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RabbitMQ tutorial - "Hello World!"

import TutorialsHelp from '@site/src/components/Tutorials/'; import TutorialsIntro from '@site/src/components/Tutorials/'; import T1DiagramHello from '@site/src/components/Tutorials/'; import T1DiagramSending from '@site/src/components/Tutorials/'; import T1DiagramReceiving from '@site/src/components/Tutorials/';

RabbitMQ tutorial - "Hello World!"


"Hello World"

(using the .NET/C# Client)

In this part of the tutorial we'll write two programs in C#; a producer that sends a single message, and a consumer that receives messages and prints them out. We'll gloss over some of the detail in the .NET client API, concentrating on this very simple thing just to get started. It's the "Hello World" of messaging.

In the diagram below, "P" is our producer and "C" is our consumer. The box in the middle is a queue - a message buffer that RabbitMQ keeps on behalf of the consumer.

The .NET client library

RabbitMQ speaks multiple protocols. This tutorial uses AMQP 0-9-1, which is an open, general-purpose protocol for messaging. There are a number of clients for RabbitMQ in many different languages. We'll use the .NET client provided by RabbitMQ.

The client supports .NET Core as well as .NET Framework 4.6.2+. This tutorial will use RabbitMQ .NET client 7.0 and .NET Core so please ensure that you have it installed and in your PATH.

You can also use the .NET Framework to complete this tutorial however the setup steps will be different.

RabbitMQ .NET Client version 7 is distributed via nuget.

This tutorial assumes you are using PowerShell on Windows. On MacOS and Linux nearly any shell will work.


First let's verify that you have .NET Core toolchain in PATH:

dotnet --help

should produce a help message.

Now let's generate two projects, one for the publisher and one for the consumer:

dotnet new console --name Send
mv Send/Program.cs Send/Send.cs
dotnet new console --name Receive
mv Receive/Program.cs Receive/Receive.cs

This will create two new directories named Send and Receive.

Then add the client dependency.

cd Send
dotnet add package RabbitMQ.Client
cd ../Receive
dotnet add package RabbitMQ.Client

Now we have the .NET project set up we can write some code.


We'll call our message publisher (sender) Send.cs and our message consumer (receiver) Receive.cs. The publisher will connect to RabbitMQ, send a single message, then exit.

In Send.cs, we need to use some namespaces:

then we can create a connection to the server:

The connection abstracts the socket connection, and takes care of protocol version negotiation and authentication and so on for us. Here we connect to a RabbitMQ node on the local machine - hence the localhost. If we wanted to connect to a node on a different machine we'd simply specify its hostname or IP address here.

Next we create a channel, which is where most of the API for getting things done resides.

To send, we must declare a queue for us to send to; then we can publish a message to the queue:

Declaring a queue is idempotent - it will only be created if it doesn't exist already. The message content is a byte array, so you can encode whatever you like there.

When the code above finishes running, the channel and the connection will be disposed. That's it for our publisher.

Sending doesn't work!

If this is your first time using RabbitMQ and you don't see the "Sent" message then you may be left scratching your head wondering what could be wrong. Maybe the broker was started without enough free disk space (by default it needs at least 50 MB free) and is therefore refusing to accept messages. Check the broker log file to see if there is a resource alarm logged and reduce the free disk space threshold if necessary. The Configuration guide will show you how to set disk_free_limit.


As for the consumer, it is listening for messages from RabbitMQ. So unlike the publisher which publishes a single message, we'll keep the consumer running continuously to listen for messages and print them out.

The code (in Receive.cs) has almost the same using statements as Send:

Setting up is the same as the publisher; we open a connection and a channel, and declare the queue from which we're going to consume. Note this matches up with the queue that Send publishes to.

Note that we declare the queue here as well. Because we might start the consumer before the publisher, we want to make sure the queue exists before we try to consume messages from it.

We're about to tell the server to deliver us the messages from the queue. Since it will push us messages asynchronously, we provide a callback. That is what AsyncEventingBasicConsumer.Received event handler does.

Putting It All Together

Open two terminals.

You can run the clients in any order, as both declares the queue. We will run the consumer first so you can see it waiting for and then receiving the message:

cd Receive
dotnet run

Then run the producer:

cd Send
dotnet run

The consumer will print the message it gets from the publisher via RabbitMQ. The consumer will keep running, waiting for messages, so try restarting the publisher several times.

Time to move on to part 2 and build a simple work queue.