McGill DevTech, LLC
- Des Moines, IA
- https://mcgilldevtech.com
🏡 Open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first.
Automated nginx proxy for Docker containers using docker-gen
A curated list of awesome Amazon Web Services (AWS) libraries, open source repos, guides, blogs, and other resources. Featuring the Fiery Meter of AWSome.
MicroK8s is a small, fast, single-package Kubernetes for datacenters and the edge.
The Official Twilio SendGrid Python API Library
A place for community contributed samples for the pyVmomi library.
OpenStack Block Storage (Cinder). Mirror of code maintained at opendev.org.
Open source social network built with Django and Django REST framework
unittest-based test runner with Ant/JUnit like XML reporting.
Unified SDK for OpenStack. Mirror of code maintained at opendev.org.