IMPORTANT NOTE: though it's called API none of the interfaces or classes of these projects are meant to be public API. They can change any time.
Note: some projects contain auto-generated code. The code-generation tool etc. is located at 'knime-com-shared/com.knime.gateway.codegen'.
- contains all the entity, entity builder and service interfaces for the web-ui API (generated)
- some 'API'-remarks
- entities are the messages to be send in between two computers consisting either of other entities or primitives (or list/maps of those)
- entity interfaces have all a trailing 'Ent'
- entities are generated with a corresponding entity builder ("EntBuilder"-suffix)
- service interfaces all have a trailing "Service" and represent a collection of methods that either have entities or primitives as parameters/return types - a service-method corresponds to a resource-endpoint in the swagger specification
- contains the default implementations of the service interfaces (from org.knime.gateway.api) that essentially delegate/transform the service calls into org.knime.core-method-calls (e.g. to the WorkflowManager)
- contains the (generated) default implementations of the entities and entity-builders
- service implementations for the web-ui API
- generated mixins interfaces for the entities for json-de-/serialization via the jackson lib
- only for the web-ui API
- utilities and service implementations that transform a json-rpc 2.0 request into an actual service call to the service's default implementation (org.knime.gateway.impl) and returns a jsonrpc-response
- only for the web-ui API
- contain the testing logic to test all service-implementations for the web-ui API