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Build and development guide

Repo layout

Marblerun is written entirely in Go and builds on Edgeless RT, which is written largely in C/C++.

Control plane

  • coordinator:
    • config: Environment variables for configuration
    • core: Provides the gRPC API for Marbles and HTTP-REST API for clients
    • quote: Provides remote attestation quotes
    • rpc: Protobuf definitions for the control plane <-> data plane communication
    • server: Provides the Marble and client API server

Data plane

  • marble:
    • config: Environment variables for configuration
    • premain: The data plane code that prepares the Marble's environment



  • Edgeless RT is installed and sourced
  • Go 1.14 or newer

Build the Coordinator control plane and Marble test applications:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..


Here's how to run the Coordinator and test Marbles.

Run the Coordinator

OE_SIMULATION=1 erthost build/coordinator-enclave.signed

The Coordinator starts with the following default values. You can set your desired configuration by setting the environment variables.

Setting Default Value Environment Variable
the listener address for the Marble server localhost:2001 EDG_COORDINATOR_MESH_ADDR
the listener address for the client-API server localhost: 4433 EDG_COORDINATOR_CLIENT_ADDR
the DNS names for the cluster’s root certificate localhost EDG_COORDINATOR_DNS_NAMES
the file path for storing sealed data $PWD/marblerun-coordinator-data EDG_COORDINATOR_SEAL_DIR

Note: The Coordinator's state is sealed to $PWD/marblerun-coordinator-data/sealed_data. If you want a fresh restart remove this file first: rm $PWD/marblerun-coordinator-data/sealed_data.

Create a Manifest

See the how to add a service documentation on how to create a Manifest. You can find the test enclave's specific values (MRENCLAVE, MRSIGNER, etc.) in build/marble-test-config.json:

$ cat build/marble-test-config.json
        "SecurityVersion": 1,
        "ProductID": 1,
        "UniqueID": "ac923351e562a127e7d5f58eae0787d13a1309b09893f6b6eb9eda49b1758621",
        "SignerID": "233ac7711eba0f5b8c67c4abfef811bf8ff4cbca4fc7be6fb98e0dcd7a0ddad1"

Here's an example that has the SecurityVersion, ProductID, and SignerID set:

	"Packages": {
		"backend": {
			"Debug": true,
			"SecurityVersion": 1,
			"ProductID": 1,
			"SignerID": "233ac7711eba0f5b8c67c4abfef811bf8ff4cbca4fc7be6fb98e0dcd7a0ddad1"
	"Infrastructures": {
		"localhost": {}
	"Marbles": {
		"server" : {
			"Package": "backend",
			"Parameters": {
				"Argv": [
				"Env": {
					"ROOT_CA": "{{ pem .Marblerun.RootCA.Cert }}",
					"SEAL_KEY": "{{ hex .Marblerun.SealKey }}",
					"MARBLE_CERT": "{{ pem .Marblerun.MarbleCert.Cert }}",
					"MARBLE_KEY": "{{ pem .Marblerun.MarbleCert.Private }}"
		"client": {
			"Package": "backend",
			"Parameters": {
				"Argv": [
				"Env": {
					"ROOT_CA": "{{ pem .Marblerun.RootCA.Cert }}",
					"SEAL_KEY": "{{ hex .Marblerun.SealKey }}",
					"MARBLE_CERT": "{{ pem .Marblerun.MarbleCert.Cert }}",
					"MARBLE_KEY": "{{ pem .Marblerun.MarbleCert.Private }}"

Replace the SignerID with YOUR value from build/marble-test-config.json

Note: Debug is set to true here so that this example works with SGX debug enclaves. This is not secure for production.

Save the Manifest in a file called manifest.json and upload it to the Coordinator with curl in another terminal:

curl -k --data-binary @manifest.json https://localhost:4433/manifest

Run the Marbles

Run a simple application.

  • Server: Run the server service in a new terminal:

    EDG_MARBLE_TYPE=server EDG_MARBLE_UUID_FILE=$PWD/server_uuid EDG_TEST_ADDR=localhost:8001 OE_SIMULATION=1 erthost build/marble-test-enclave.signed

    You should see: [...] starting server.

    In the coordinator-terminal you should see: Successfully activated new Marble of type 'server: ...'

  • Client: Run the client service in a new terminal:

    EDG_MARBLE_TYPE=client EDG_MARBLE_UUID_FILE=$PWD/client_uuid EDG_TEST_ADDR=localhost:8001 OE_SIMULATION=1 erthost build/marble-test-enclave.signed

    You should see: [...] Successful connection to Server: 200 OK

    In the coordinator-terminal you should see Successfully activated new Marble of type 'client: ...'

  • Note: A Marble starts with the following default values. You can set your desired configuration by setting the environment variables.

    Setting Default Value Environment Variable
    network address of the Coordinator’s API for Marbles localhost:2001 EDG_MARBLE_COORDINATOR_ADDR
    reference on one entry from your Manifest’s Marbles section - (this needs to be set every time) EDG_MARBLE_TYPE
    local file path where the Marble stores its UUID $PWD/uuid EDG_MARBLE_UUID_FILE
    DNS names the Coordinator will issue the Marble’s certificate for localhost EDG_MARBLE_DNS_NAMES


By default a Marblerun installation ships with a Kubernetes MutatingAdmissionWebhook. The admission controller monitors selected namespaces of the cluster and injects the data-plane configuration into Deployments, Pods, etc. The marble-injector is only useful in a Kubernetes environment.

You can build the marble-injector with:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make marble-injector


Unit tests

go test -race ./...

With SGX-DCAP attestation on enabled hardware (e.g., in Azure)

go test -v -tags integration ./test -b ../build

With SGX simulation mode

go test -v -tags integration ./test -b ../build -s

Without SGX

go test -v -tags integration ./test -b ../build -noenclave

Docker image

You can build the Docker image of the Coordinator by providing a signing key:

openssl genrsa -out private.pem -3 3072
docker buildx build --secret id=signingkey,src=private.pem --target release --tag -f dockerfiles/Dockerfile.coordinator .

You can build the Docker image of the marble-injector as follows:

docker buildx build --tag -f dockerfiles/Dockerfile.marble-injector .