Parsing Statistik Suricata untuk Zabbix Monitoring
Sumber detail penggunaan :
berjalan pada: zabbix_agentd 5.0.17 dan zabbix_sender 5.0.17
Update & Edited : krisnn [email protected] Copyleft GPLv3 - Christophe Vandeplas - [email protected]
aktifkan stats.log pada /etc/suricata/suricata.yaml dan setting:
- stats:
enabled: yes
filename: stats.log
append: no
interval: 60
kemudian setting melalui crontab:
*/1 * * * * sudo /usr/bin/python /source/file/ -q -z
format : [-h] [-z] [-q] [-v]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-z, --zabbix Send output to zabbix
-q, --quiet Be quiet (do not print to stdout)
-v, --verbose be more verbose