You can also access Datomic from Javascript, such as from a Node.js app (which could be written in ClojureScript)
See datomic.js
Datomic(server, port, alias, name)
Create Schema:
schema.movies = '[
{:db/id #db/id[:db.part/db]
:db/ident :movie/title
:db/valueType :db.type/string
:db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one
:db/doc "movie's title"
:db.install/_attribute :db.part/db}'
Then use...
Datomic = require('datomicjs').Datomic;
imdb = new Datomic('localhost', 8888, 'db', 'imdb');
// use the DB
datomic.transact(schema.movies).then((future) ->
// to build a Query
find = require('datomicjs').Query;
.where('?m', ':movie/title', 'trainspotting')
imdb.entity(id, opts)
imdb.q(query, opts)
parse EDN and serialize EDN are used to work with the Clojure Map structures of Datomic. The interop with Clojure is done by taking a string with the Map syntax and serializing it to EDN (for queries etc) and conversely parsing a received EDN structure from Datomic (ie. data).
Add the following dependencies to your project.clj
:dependencies [
[org.clojure/clojure "1.8.0"]
;; Server DB (datomic)
[com.datomic/datomic-free "0.9.5327" :exclusions [joda-time]]
;; ...
Then for your app file ,such as my-app.core
See [Datomic API](( for API details.
(ns my-app.core
(:require [datomic :as d]
;; more libs...
;;; Create a DataScript "connection" (an atom with the current DB value)
(def conn (d/create-conn))
;; Define datoms to transact
(def datoms [{:db/id -1 :name "Bob" :age 30}
{:db/id -2 :name "Sally" :age 15}])
;;; Add the datoms via transaction
(d/transact! conn datoms)
;;; Query to find names for entities (people) whose age is less than 18
(def q-young '[:find ?n
:in ?min-age
[?e :natedme ?n]
[?e :age ?a]
[(< ?a ?min-age)]])
;; execute query: q-young, passing 18 as min-age
(d/q q-young 18)
;; Query Result
;; => [["Sally"]]
As you can see, for this simple example the API is identical to the one used for our Datascript getting started code example.