$ kuzzle install
Installs plugins declared in Kuzzle .kuzzlerc
configuration file.
$ kuzzle start
Starts a Kuzzle instance in the foreground.
This is a recommended first step to secure your Kuzzle Backend
$ kuzzle createFirstAdmin
This command will guide you through the creation process of the first admin user and fix the rights to other user types if needed.
Note: This command is interactive and let you choose whether you want to apply the default secured roles and profiles or not
$ kuzzle reset
will allow you to reset Kuzzle and restore it as if it is freshly installed.
You can perform a reset followed by a fixtures and/or mappings import by doing:
$ kuzzle reset --fixtures /path/to/the/fixtures/file.json --mappings /path/to/the/mappings/file.json
$ kuzzle reset --noint
You can, of course, get some help by using the --help option.
Try those:
$ kuzzle --help
$ kuzzle start --help
$ kuzzle reset --help