Library implementing TIGHT-CUT heuristic for solving FASP (Feedback Arc Set Problem).
If you use this library in an academic context, please cite the following paper:
- Michael Hecht, Krzysztof Gonciarz, Szabolcs Horvát Tight Localizations of Feedback Sets
Clone the git repository by running the following command from the command line:
git clone
If you prefer to access GitLab with SSH keys, use:
git clone [email protected]:mosaic/FaspHeuristic.git
The library has these options available:
To build the tools, execute the following commands (starting in the root directory after downloading):
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
The command-line tools will be placed in build/tools
To install the library in the default location, execute:
make install
To install the library in a different location, provide the prefix for the installation directory when running cmake
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/user/specified/install/directory ..
Two command-line tools are provided for convenience, one for unweighted and one for weighted graphs:
Both tools read the graph from the standard input.
Vertices are specified as non-negative integers. Any integer may be used, regardless of the total number of vertices.
The format of the input graph for the unweighted case is an adjacency list:
<src vertex> <optional dst vertex 1> <optional dst vertex 2> ...
For example:
1 2 3 6
2 3
3 4 6
4 1
6 3
If above definition of graph is saved in a file with name graph.def
then to calculate FASP run:
$ tightCut < graph.def
# Input graph: #vertices=6 #edges=8
# FASP size (#edges to cut): 2
# Feedback arcs:
6 3
3 4
The format of the input graph for the weighted case is as follows. Each line must either contain a single vertex:
Or an edge followed by the edge weight:
<src vertex> <dst vertex> <weight of edge>
For example:
1 2 5
2 3 4.5
3 1 10
Output with above definition of graph:
$ tightCutWeighted < graph.def
# Input graph: #vertices=4 #edges=3
# FASP size (#edges to cut): 1, capacity of edges: 4.5
# Feedback arcs:
2 3
TIGHT-CUT library can be used as a submodule of your project or can be used as a regular installed library.
Simple project using installed TIGHT-CUT library requires only two files: main.cpp
with the code and a simple configuration CMakeLists.txt
#include <iostream>
#include "FaspTightCut/graph.h"
#include "FaspTightCut/graphFasp.h"
int main() {
// Create graph by adding vertices and edges to the graph
using VERTEX_TYPE = int;
Graph::Graph<VERTEX_TYPE> g;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) g.addVertex(i);
g.addEdge({0, 1});
g.addEdge({1, 2});
g.addEdge({2, 3});
g.addEdge({3, 4});
g.addEdge({4, 5});
g.addEdge({5, 0});
g.addEdge({3, 6});
g.addEdge({6, 2});
g.addEdge({5, 7});
g.addEdge({7, 4});
// Add capacity to edges
auto ep = Graph::Ext::getEdgeProperties(g, 1);
ep[{2, 3}] = 3;
ep[{3, 6}] = 1;
ep[{6, 2}] = 1;
ep[{4, 5}] = 3;
ep[{5, 7}] = 1;
ep[{7, 4}] = 1;
// Run TIGHT-CUT heuristic
auto [capacity, removedEdges, saEdgesCnt, saRndEdgesCnt, redRndEdgesCnt] = Graph::Fasp::tightCut<true, true, VERTEX_TYPE, int>(g, ep);
// Print result
std::cout << "Capacity of FASP edges: " << capacity << std::endl;
return 0;
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.15)
project(TightCutExample LANGUAGES CXX)
find_package(FaspTightCut REQUIRED)
add_executable(main main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(main FaspTightCut::FaspTightCut)