The gossip and replication server for Secure Scuttlebutt - a distributed social network
private message between two parties (with no `to` field)
Latinize Georgian language Chrome Extension
HOC for lazy components loading
High-performance React BlurHash component
Fast & tiny Wolt BlurHash decoder implementation
🚀 Tiny and powerful React hook-based state management library.
Winamp 2 reimplemented for the browser
🏁 Web based Windows XP desktop recreation.
Swift implementation of circular shifts (a.k.a. bitwise rotation).
⬆️ ☠️ 🔥 Automatic Linux privesc via exploitation of low-hanging fruit e.g. gtfobins, pwnkit, dirty pipe, +w docker.sock
Social for humans, not algorithms.
Easy P2P file transfer powered by WebRTC - inspired by Apple AirDrop
🖼️ A library to show colorful blurry placeholders while your content loads.
A declarative way to make request with redux actions
React useContextSelector hook in userland
An essential hook for your React applications.
📷 An easy-to-use and simple Instagram package that allows you to fetch media content without API and access token.
Play with fluids in your browser (works even on mobile)
An esoteric programming language written in Ancient Greek
Outputs time and date in Roman dating system
💻📖 Laws, Theories, Principles and Patterns that developers will find useful. #hackerlaws
A memoization library based on weakmaps. 🤯 Sometimes cache is kashe
Exploits locked/password protected computers over USB, drops persistent WebSocket-based backdoor, exposes internal router, and siphons cookies using Raspberry Pi Zero & Node.js.
GitHub do not ban us from open source world 🇮🇷
🖼️ 🛋️ Components and utilities for lazy image loading in React