If you failed to install and run this tracker, please email me ([email protected])
This is a python-implemented visual object tracking algorithm.Use meta-updater to control the update of Dimp.
- python 3.7
- ubuntu 16.04
- cuda-10.0
- Clone the GIT repository:
$ git clone https://github.com/Daikenan/LTMU.git
- Clone the submodules.
In the repository directory, run the commands:
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update
- Run the install script.
source create -n DiMP_MU python=3.7
source activate DiMP_MU
cd path/to/DiMP_MU
pip install -r requirements.txt
4.Download models Download [metric model] [DiMP50 model]and put in the following path:
- Run the demo script to test the tracker:
cd path/to/DiMP_MU
source activate DiMP_MU
python Demo.py
Refer to ATOM_MU.