Go client for Pilosa high performance distributed index.
If you have the pilosa repo in your GOPATH
you can import the library in your code using:
import "github.com/pilosa/pilosa/v2/client"
Assuming Pilosa server is running at localhost:10101
(the default):
package main
import (
func main() {
// Create the default client
cli := client.DefaultClient()
// Retrieve the schema
schema, err := cli.Schema()
// Create an Index object
myindex := schema.Index("myindex")
// Create a Field object
myfield := myindex.Field("myfield")
// make sure the index and the field exists on the server
err := cli.SyncSchema(schema)
// Send a Set query. If err is non-nil, response will be nil.
response, err := cli.Query(myfield.Set(5, 42))
// Send a Row query. If err is non-nil, response will be nil.
response, err = cli.Query(myfield.Row(5))
// Get the result
result := response.Result()
// Act on the result
if result != nil {
columns := result.Row().Columns
fmt.Println("Got columns: ", columns)
// You can batch queries to improve throughput
response, err = cli.Query(myindex.BatchQuery(
if err != nil {
for _, result := range response.Results() {
// Act on the result
See: Server Interaction