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OpenShift Serverless Logic Midstream fork of Tools for KIE


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Apache KIE is a home for leading Open Source projects that play a role in delivering solutions around Business Automation and Artificial Intelligence in the Cloud.

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This repository contains tooling applications and libraries for Apache KIE projects.


  • Work in progress 🔨

Build from source

Step 0: Install the necessary tools


Nix development environment: A devbox configuration is provided to automatically setup all the tools below. Read more in here.

To build and test all packages on this repository, you're going to need:


If you plan on building container images, make sure you have a working Docker setup. Setting KIE_TOOLS_BUILD__buildContainerImages=true will also be necessary.

Step 1: Bootstrap

Installs the necessary 3rd party dependencies and links packages of this repository together.

  • pnpm bootstrap --> Will bootstrap all packages
  • pnpm bootstrap [pnpm-filter] --> Will bootstrap packages filtered by pnpm-filter
  • E.g.,

    pnpm bootstrap -F dmn-editor... bootstraps the dmn-editor package and its dependencies.

Step 2: Build

  • Dev

    • pnpm -r build:dev
      • Will build all packages for development. Skipping linters, tests, minifiers etc.
    • pnpm [pnpm-filter] build:dev
    • E.g.,

      pnpm -F dmn-editor... build:dev builds the dmn-editor package and its dependencies.

  • Prod

    • pnpm -r build:prod
      • Will build all packages for production. Optimizers will run, binaries will be produced for multiple architectures etc.
    • pnpm [pnpm-filter] build:prod
    • E.g.,

      pnpm -F dmn-editor... build:prod builds the dmn-editor package and its dependencies.

  • Local changes

    • pnpm run on-affected [cmd] (alias for pnpm -F '...[HEAD]'); or
    • pnpm run on-affected-only [cmd] (alias for pnpm -F '...^[HEAD]'); or
    • pnpm run on-changed [cmd] (alias for pnpm -F '[HEAD]'); or
    • pnpm run on-changed-deps-only [cmd] (alias for pnpm -F '[HEAD]^...');
    • E.g.,

      If you have local changes (staged or unstaged) done to the dmn-editor package:

      • pnpm run on-affected build:dev
        • builds the dmn-editor package and all packages that depend on it.
      • pnpm run on-affected-only build:dev
        • doesn't build the dmn-editor package, but builds all packages that depend on it.
      • pnpm run on-changed build:dev
        • builds the dmn-editor package and nothing else.
      • pnpm run on-changed-deps-only build:dev
        • doesn't build the dmn-editor package, but builds all packages that it depends on.


This repository's build is parameterized by several Environment Variables. For an extensive list of these variables, please see the list printed by the bootstrap step.

  • To enable Examples build: export KIE_TOOLS_BUILD__buildExamples=true
  • To enable Container images build: export KIE_TOOLS_BUILD__buildContainerImages=true
  • To enable E2E tests: export KIE_TOOLS_BUILD__runEndToEndTests=true


Ubuntu 22.04 is the only OS that nativelly supports running E2E tests and by default the E2E tests will run using a Docker container. To run the tests natively in your OS please install the Playwright dependencies during the Bootstrap phase by adding the PLAYWRIGHT_BASE__installDeps=true environment variable. Additionally, tweak the containerized tests variable to false (KIE_TOOLS_BUILD__containerizedEndToEndTests=false). Please refer to @kie-tools/playwright-base README.


Final artifacts will be in {packages,examples}/*/dist directories.


For more information about how this repository works, please refer to the kie-tools Manual

Reproducible Builds for maven-based packages

It is mandatory that any Maven-based package that releases artifacts runs Reproducible Builds to build it's artifacts, in this case, in our build:prod scripts.

@kie-tools/maven-base provides the reproducible-build profile to enable Reproducible Builds in our builds. To use it follow the steps:

  • Make sure the package.json depends on @kie-tools/maven-base:
  "dependencies": {
    "@kie-tools/maven-base": "workspace:*"
  • Make sure the package pom.xml has kie-tools-maven-base as a parent and declares the property like:
  • In your package.json scripts, enable the Reproducible Build profile adding the -Dreproducible argument in build:prod scripts, like:
  "scripts": {
    "build:prod": "pnpm lint && run-script-os",
    "build:prod:darwin:linux": "mvn clean deploy [...other maven options...] -Dreproducible",
    "build:prod:win32": "pnpm powershell \"mvn clean deploy [...other maven options...] `-Dreproducible\""

IMPORTANT: the current version of the maven-artifact-plugin (3.4.1) used in kie-tools bans the maven-flatten-plugin that we use to generate deployable artifacts using the dynamic ${revision} variable. You can check the full list of banned plugins here. The issue that caused the ban flatten-maven-plugin/issues/256 was a result of change in Maven behaviour between v3.8.1 and v3.8.2, and isn't a problem on the maven-flatten-plugin. Actually, in later versions of the maven-artifact-plugin the ban got revoked. Having this in mind, and due to the fact that kie-tools requires newer Maven versions, our Reproducible Builds require temporarily overriding the list of banned plugins, until we upgrade to a newer maven-artifact-plugin version. This will be addressed by apache/incubator-kie-issues#1371


This repository contains several applications. To develop each one of them individually, refer to the instructions below.

VS Code Extension (DMN, BPMN, SceSim, and PMML Editors)

  1. After you've successfully built the project following the instructions above, open the packages/kie-editors-dev-vscode-extension folder on VS Code. Use a new VS Code window so that the packages/kie-editors-dev-vscode-extension folder shows up as root in the VS Code explorer.
  2. From there, you can Run the extension or the end-to-end tests by using the Debug menu/section. You can also use the respective shortcuts (F5 to start debugging, for instance).
  3. NOTE: To run the VS Code extension in development mode, you need webpack and webpack-cli to be globally installed on NPM. Normally you can do that with npm install -g webpack@^5.94.0 webpack-cli@^4.10.0, but sudo may be required depending on your installation.
  4. Remember! If you make changes to any package other than packages/kie-editors-dev-vscode-extension, you have to manually rebuild them before relaunching the extension on VS Code.

VS Code Extension (Serverless Workflow Editor)

  1. After you've successfully built the project following the instructions above, open the packages/serverless-workflow-vscode-extension folder on VS Code. Use a new VS Code window so that the packages/serverless-workflow-vscode-extension folder shows up as root in the VS Code explorer.
  2. From there, you can Run the extension or the end-to-end tests by using the Debug menu/section. You can also use the respective shortcuts (F5 to start debugging, for instance).
  3. Remember! If you make changes to any package other than packages/serverless-workflow-vscode-extension, you have to manually rebuild them before relaunching the extension on VS Code.

Chrome Extension (DMN, BPMN, and SceSim Editors)

  1. After you've successfully built the project following the instructions above, open the packages/chrome-extension-pack-kogito-kie-editors folder on your favourite IDE. You can import the entire repo as well if you want to make changes to other packages.
  2. Run pnpm build:dev on packages/chrome-extension-pack-kogito-kie-editors. This will create a version of the Chrome Extension that fetches the envelope locally.
  3. Open a terminal and run pnpm start on packages/chrome-extension-pack-kogito-kie-editors. This will start a webpack serve instance with the editors and their envelope. We use that because we don't pack the Chrome Extension bundle with the editors inside. Instead, we fetch them from GitHub pages.
  4. You also have to enable invalid certificates for resources loaded from localhost in your browser. To do that, go to chrome://flags/#temporary-unexpire-flags-m118 in your Chrome browser, enable this flag and restart browser. Then go to chrome://flags/#allow-insecure-localhost in your Chrome browser and enable also this flag. Alternativelly, you can go to https://localhost:9001 and add an exception.
  5. Open Chrome and go to chrome://extensions. Enable "Developer mode" in the top-right corner and click on "Load unpacked". Choose the packages/chrome-extension-pack-kogito-kie-editors/dist folder.
  6. From now on you can use the development version of the extension. Remember! After each change, you have to rebuild the changed modules and hit the "Refresh" button of the extension card.

Chrome Extension (Serverless Workflow Editor)

  1. After you've successfully built the project following the instructions above, open the packages/chrome-extension-serverless-workflow-editor folder on your favourite IDE. You can import the entire repo as well if you want to make changes to other packages.
  2. Run pnpm build:dev on packages/chrome-extension-serverless-workflow-editor. This will create a version of the Chrome Extension that fetches the envelope locally.
  3. Open a terminal and run pnpm start on packages/chrome-extension-serverless-workflow-editor. This will start a webpack serve instance with the editors and their envelope. We use that because we don't pack the Chrome Extension bundle with the editors inside. Instead, we fetch them from GitHub pages.
  4. You also have to enable invalid certificates for resources loaded from localhost in your browser. To do that, go to chrome://flags/#temporary-unexpire-flags-m118 in your Chrome browser, enable this flag and restart browser. Then go to chrome://flags/#allow-insecure-localhost in your Chrome browser and enable also this flag. Alternativelly, you can go to https://localhost:9000 and add an exception.
  5. Open Chrome and go to chrome://extensions. Enable "Developer mode" in the top-right corner and click on "Load unpacked". Choose the packages/chrome-extension-serverless-workflow-editor/dist folder.
  6. From now on you can use the development version of the extension. Remember! After each change, you have to rebuild the changed modules and hit the "Refresh" button of the extension card.

KIE Sandbox

  1. After you've successfully built the project following the instructions above, go to packages/online-editor.
  2. Open a terminal and run pnpm start. This will start a webpack serve instance with the Online Editor resources.
  3. From now on you can use the development version of the Online Editor by accessing https://localhost:9001.
  4. Run the CORS Proxy by running pnpm start at packages/cors-proxy.

Serverless Logic Web Tools

  1. After you've successfully built the project following the instructions above, go to packages/serverless-logic-web-tools.
  2. Open a terminal and run pnpm start. This will start a webpack serve instance with the Serverless Logic Web Tools resources.
  3. From now on you can use the development version of the Serverless Logic Web Tools by accessing https://localhost:9020.
  4. Run the CORS Proxy by running pnpm start at packages/cors-proxy.
  5. (Optional) To try the "Runtime Tools" functionalities, run the SonataFlow Dev App by running pnpm start at packages/sonataflow-dev-app, then open https://localhost:9020/#/settings/runtime-tools and set http://localhost:4000/graphql in the "Data Index URL" field

Standalone Editors (DMN and BPMN)

  1. After you've successfully built the project following the instructions above, go to packages/kie-editors-standalone.
  2. Open a terminal and run pnpm start. This will start a webpack serve instance with the Standalone Editors test page.
  3. From now on you can use the development version of the Standalone DMN Editor by accessing https://localhost:9001/resources/dmn and the Standalone BPMN Editor by accessing https://localhost:9001/resources/bpmn.

Knative Workflow plugin

Read the documentation


Stunner Editors

The stunner-editors package contains the BPMN, DMN, and SceSim Editors that are used in many applications of this repository. After cloning the repo, start with a fresh build.

  • pnpm bootstrap -F @kie-tools/stunner-editors...

  • pnpm -F @kie-tools/stunner-editors... build:dev

After that, you're ready to start developing the Editors individually.

  • BPMN

    • Located at packages/stunner-editors/kie-wb-common-stunner/kie-wb-common-stunner-sets/kie-wb-common-stunner-bpmn/kie-wb-common-stunner-bpmn-kogito-runtime.
    • Run mvn clean gwt:run to start. To enable live-reloading capability, run mvn clean gwt:run -Phot-reload
  • DMN

    • Located at packages/stunner-editors/kie-wb-common-dmn/kie-wb-common-dmn-webapp-kogito-runtime.
    • Run mvn clean gwt:run to start. To enable live-reloading capability, run mvn clean gwt:run -Phot-reload
    • If you want to enable live-reloading capabilities of the React components that are part of the DMN Editor, follow these steps.
  • Test Scenario (SceSim)

    • Located at packages/stunner-editors/drools-wb-screens/drools-wb-scenario-simulation-editor/drools-wb-scenario-simulation-editor-kogito-testing.
    • Run mvn clean gwt:run to start.


OpenShift Serverless Logic Midstream fork of Tools for KIE







No releases published


  • Java 75.6%
  • TypeScript 17.9%
  • Go 2.8%
  • JavaScript 1.3%
  • HTML 0.8%
  • Shell 0.5%
  • Other 1.1%