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This package contains a cors-proxy, which is a simple Node.js application intended to be used to solve CORS issues while connecting our front end tools (online-editor, serverless-logic-web-tools) with external services (GitHub, Bitbucket, OpenShift, Kubernetes...)


The cors-proxy can be configured via environment variables:

  • CORS_PROXY_HTTP_PORT: Sets the HTTP Port the proxy should listen to
  • CORS_PROXY_ORIGIN: Sets the value of the 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header. Defaults to *.
  • CORS_PROXY_VERBOSE: Allows the proxy to run in verbose mode... useful to trace requests on development environments. Defaults to false
  • CORS_PROXY_USE_HTTP_FOR_HOSTS: Comma-separated list of hosts that should use the http protocol for proxied requests. Defaults to an empty list.

For example:

$ export CORS_PROXY_HTTP_PORT=8080
$ export CORS_PROXY_VERBOSE=false
$ export CORS_PROXY_USE_HTTP_FOR_HOSTS="localhost:8080,localhost:8081"


$ pnpm -F @kie-tools/cors-proxy... build:prod

Running cors-proxy

After building the package and setting up the environment variables, in the package folder run the following command:

$ node ./dist/index.js

Running cors-proxy in dev mode.

$ pnpm -F @kie-tools/cors-proxy start

You can also use the following envs to configure cors-proxy when starting in dev-mode:

$ export CORS_PROXY__port=*
$ export CORS_PROXY__origin=*
$ export CORS_PROXY__verbose=false
$ export CORS_PROXY__useHttpForHosts="localhost:8080,localhost:8081"

Default values can be found here.

Apache KIE (incubating) is an effort undergoing incubation at The Apache Software Foundation (ASF), sponsored by the name of Apache Incubator. Incubation is required of all newly accepted projects until a further review indicates that the infrastructure, communications, and decision making process have stabilized in a manner consistent with other successful ASF projects. While incubation status is not necessarily a reflection of the completeness or stability of the code, it does indicate that the project has yet to be fully endorsed by the ASF.

Some of the incubating project’s releases may not be fully compliant with ASF policy. For example, releases may have incomplete or un-reviewed licensing conditions. What follows is a list of known issues the project is currently aware of (note that this list, by definition, is likely to be incomplete):

  • Hibernate, an LGPL project, is being used. Hibernate is in the process of relicensing to ASL v2
  • Some files, particularly test files, and those not supporting comments, may be missing the ASF Licensing Header

If you are planning to incorporate this work into your product/project, please be aware that you will need to conduct a thorough licensing review to determine the overall implications of including this work. For the current status of this project through the Apache Incubator visit: