This SQLite extension provides functionality to work with Markdown files within SQLite queries.
- Virtual table
to list and query markdown files in a directory - Function
to get the raw content of a markdown file - Function
md_front_matter(path, field)
to extract YAML front matter fields from markdown files - Function
to convert markdown content to HTML
This will produce
which can be loaded into SQLite.
- SQLite3 development libraries
- LibYAML for front matter parsing
- cmark-gfm for markdown to HTML conversion
-- Load the extension
.load ./
-- Create a virtual table on a directory of markdown files
CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE notes USING md_files('/path/to/markdown/files');
-- Query all markdown files in the directory
SELECT path, basename, size_bytes, mtime_s FROM notes;
-- Get the content of a markdown file
SELECT md_contents(path) FROM notes WHERE basename = '';
-- Extract front matter field from a markdown file
SELECT md_front_matter(path, 'title') FROM notes WHERE basename = '';
-- Convert markdown to HTML
SELECT md_html(path) FROM notes WHERE basename = '';
The extension expects front matter in YAML format at the beginning of markdown files, delimited by ---
title: Example Document
author: John Doe
date: 2023-01-01
# Content starts here
Same as the termdex project.