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What is listparser?

listparser is a Python module that parses subscription lists (also called reading lists) and returns all of the feeds and subscription lists that it finds.

It supports OPML, RDF+FOAF, and the iGoogle exported settings format, and runs in Python 3.6 and up, and PyPy3.


>>> import listparser
>>> result = listparser.parse('project.opml')

A dictionary will be returned with several keys:

  • meta: a dictionary of information about the subscription list
  • feeds: a list of feeds
  • lists: a list of subscription lists
  • version: a file format identifier
  • bozo: 1 if there is a problem with the list, 0 otherwise
  • bozo_exception: (if bozo is 1) a description of the problem

Continuing the example:

>>> result.meta.title
'listparser project feeds'
>>> len(result.feeds)
>>> result.feeds[0].url

More extensive documentation is available in the docs/ directory and online at <>.


There are going to be bugs. The best way to handle them will be to isolate the simplest possible document that susses out the bug, add that document as a test case, and then find and fix the problem. can also just report the bug and leave it to someone else to fix the problem, but that won't be as much fun for you!

Bugs can be reported at <>.