- git source control system
- Java JDK, Microsoft OpenJDK 17 is recommended
- Gradle Build tool
- A Java IDE is recommended, such as JetBrains IntelliJ or Visual Studio Code
- Docker desktop is optional, but it may be the simplest way to run AltGraph yourself
Azure Cosmos DB SQL API Account
Database named dev
Container named npm_graph
- Partition key: /pk
- Indexing Policy:
- See file default indexing file altgraph_data_app/indexing/default.json in this repo
- See recommended file altgraph_data_app/indexing/altgraph_indexing.json in this repo
Container named imdb_graph
- Partition key: /pk
Container named imdb_seed
- Partition key: /pk
Azure Redis Cache Account
Azure Container Instance (optional)
At this time this repo only has provisioning scripts for the Azure Container Instance (see the az directory). It is expected that you manually provision the other resources in Azure Portal.
- See files:
- altgraph_data_app/src/main/resources/application.properties
- altgraph_web_app/src/main/resources/application.properties
- Set environment variables for all of the ${AZURE_XXX} names
- See your Azure Portal for the values of these environment variables
File altgraph_web_app/src/main/resources/application.properties
# Spring Data Redis, and Azure Redis Cache
# Spring Data Cosmos DB
The > pefix character in these instructions refer to your shell prompt; such as in a PowerShell or macOS Terminal. These instructions are oriented toward Windows PowerShell; equivalent bash script for linux/macOS may be added at a later date.
Note: You will have to open a new PowerShell or linux/macOS terminal after you have set your environment variable.
> git clone https://github.com/cjoakim/azure-cosmosdb-altgraph.git
> cd azure-cosmosdb-altgraph
> gradle clean build <-- Compiles the Java code with the Gradle build tool
These files are too large to store in this GitHub, so you need to download them.
Visit https://datasets.imdbws.com/ with your web browser, and download the following three files...
...to directory altgraph_data_app/data/imdb_raw within this repository. You may have to manually create this directory if it doesn't already exist.
This process transforms the raw data into a format suitable for loading into Cosmos DB for the AltGraph reference applications.
> cd altgraph_data_app
> .\npm_wrangling_process.ps1
> .\imdb_wrangling_process.ps1
> .\npm_load_cosmos.ps1
> .\imdb_load_cosmos.ps1
The imdb wrangling and loading steps take several minutes each due to the size of the data.
There are multiple ways to do this; the following are instructions for the three most common ways:
- The "Software Developer" way with code
- Docker and Docker Compose
- Azure Container Instance
All three approaches described below assume that you have first provisioned your Azure resources, have set your environment variables, and have wrangled/loaded the data as described above.
In all cases, it may take approximately 50-seconds for the IMDb in-memory graph data to be loaded from your Cosmos DB.
Once the AltGraph web application is running, see file CosmosDB-AltGraph.pdf regarding web application UI usage.
> cd altgraph_web_app
> gradle bootRun <-- Runs the Web Application locally with Gradle
Then visit http://localhost:8080 with your browser
> cd altgraph_web_app
> docker-compose up -d
This approach downloads Docker container cjoakim/azure-cosmosdb-altgraph-v2 from DockerHub and runs it on your host.
See the comments at the end of file altgraph_web_app/docker-compose.yml regarding common docker and docker-compose commands.
> cd az
... read and modify the provision-webapp-aci1.ps1 script, as necessary, with your configuration info
> .\provision-webapp-aci1.ps1
... after the Azure Container Instance is provisioned, visit port 8080 at the fqdn
... shown in the deployment output. Allow one-minute for the ACI to start.