Next Riot
- http://www.nextriot.com
A Camera component for React Native. Also supports barcode scanning!
🌄 A React Native module that allows you to use native UI to select media from the device library or directly from the camera.
SVG library for React Native, React Native Web, and plain React web projects.
React Native Local and Remote Notifications
General IM UI components. Android/iOS/RectNative ready. 通用 IM 聊天 UI 组件,已经同时支持 Android/iOS/RN。
A splash screen for react-native, hide when application loaded ,it works on iOS and Android.
Bring some 12 factor love to your mobile apps!
Social share, sending simple data to other apps.
a react native charts wrapper (support android & iOS)
A Mapbox GL react native module for creating custom maps
React native bridge for AppAuth - an SDK for communicating with OAuth2 providers
Library that makes it possible to read, edit and write CSV files
👾 Clean and minimalist React Native template for a quick start with TypeScript.
React Native NFC module for Android & iOS
📱InAppBrowser for React Native (Android & iOS) 🤘
CameraRoll is a react-native native module that provides access to the local camera roll or photo library.
React Native Package With One Purpose: To Restart Your React Native Project
React-Native Haptic Feedback for iOS with Android similar behaviour.
Display and manage media controls on lock screen and notification center for iOS and Android.
React Native module for iOS and Android biometrics
A library to access system setting, and change it easily. eg: volume, brightness, wifi
Access additional display metrics on Android devices: status bar height, soft menu bar height, real screen size.
📺 Display and animate textured Wavefront .OBJ 3D models with 60fps - native bridge to GLView (iOS) and jPCT-AE (Android)
Measure text accurately before laying it out and get font information from your App.
Customizable and perfect clone of Apple, App Store Card Views for React Native.
React Native: Native Shine Button - Effects like shining
A React Native module to interact with Apple Healthkit and Google Fit.
Component for zooming react native views. 🔎