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The hello world app of ZK: prove you know a factorization without revealing the factors.

This repo serves as a guide to show how to plug a ZK Haskell program into existing proving software. In this case we want to build a browser based proving application with an Ethereum smart contract verifier, and we will make use of the snarkjs proving library. There are similar integrations for arkworks and more to come.



You must have nix installed and ideally direnv. The haskell builds are managed by different nix shells depending on the directory because we require both the normal and WASM GHC.


All other builds/tools are managed via npm. To get started, run

> npm install

Ethereum node

You should have a local ethereum node with an unlocked default account and the web3 api running on the default port 8545. E.g. use hardhat or cliquebait:

> docker run --rm -it -p 8545:8545 foamspace/cliquebait:latest


The factors zk program

A ZK program written in a Haskell DSL that expresses a factorization of a public input n into a product of secret inputs a and b. You can produce a circom compatible r1cs file for this program by running

> cabal run compile

You should see an artifact trusted-setup/circuit.r1cs.

A factors program constraint solver

A constraint solver applied to the factors program. You can produce a circom compatible WASM binary for this solver by running

> cd wasm-solver
> ./build-wasm

You should see an artifact www/circuit.wasm.

A Groth16 Solidity Verifying contract

Assuming you have run the above, you should see a circuit.r1cs file in the trusted-setup directory. To produce a final proving key and solidity verifier:

> npx snarkjs groth16 setup trusted-setup/circuit.r1cs trusted-setup/pot14_final.ptau trusted-setup/circuit_final.zkey
> npx snarkjs zkey export solidityverifier trusted-setup/circuit_final.zkey contracts/Groth16Verifier.sol

You can verify your proving key:

> npx snarkjs zkey verify trusted-setup/circuit.r1cs trusted-setup/pot14_final.ptau trusted-setup/circuit_final.zkey

NOTE: It is also possible to generate a witness, construct a proof and verify it using the standard snarkjs cli commands with the artifacts we have created.

You can comple the contracts, build the purescript ffi, and deploy this smart contract via

> npm run chanterelle-build
> npm run chanterelle-deploy

A frontend application

Assuming you have done the previous steps, copy the proving key to the www folder

> cp trusted-setup/circuit_final.zkey www

You should see the circuit.wasm solver binary is already there. Assuming you have deployed the verifying contract, you can start the frontend:

export VERIFIER_ADDRESS=$(jq -r '.networks."420123".address' build/contracts/Groth16Verifier.json) && npm run parcel

NOTE: I used cliquebaite to write this readme, which has networkId/chainId 420123. If you have a different chainId, you will need to subsitute it in the above command or just find the address in the artifact manually.

You should see a form load to test the application


A demo application for zk-snarks in Haskell







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