Dism++ Multi-language Support & BUG Report
得意黑 Smiley Sans:一款在人文观感和几何特征中寻找平衡的中文黑体
Fluxion is a remake of linset by vk496 with enhanced functionality.
Lua for Windows is a 'batteries included environment' for the Lua scripting language on Windows. NOTICE: Looking for maintainer.
Landing page for Software for Open Networking in the Cloud (SONiC) -
ESP32 implementation for HID over GATT Keyboard and Mouse (Bluetooth Low Energy). Including serial API for external modules (similar to Adafruit EZKey HID)
jackaudio's Website and Wiki hosted at github
TCP Network to Serial Proxy using WebSocket for ESP8266
BomberCat is the latest security tool that combines the most common card technologies: NFC technology (Near Field Communication) and magnetic stripe technology used in access control, identificatio…
Fake Mailer is a PHP Email Spoofer which is capable of sending spoofed or tampered emails to the target. No Need to Sign up, Send Email Anonymously, Demo Site is available for test!
《档案室库房管理系统》是一款用于满足各档案室库房档案管理工作的需要。 功能包含收集存档、借阅利用、保管鉴定、档案检索等,实现电子公文(含纸质文件)从公文下载到移交进馆的全程信息化管理;业务流程化管理;行业规范化管理。实现电子公文(含纸质文件)信息查询、条目检索、信息统计统一化管理。 主要功能包含: 一、收集存档:收集存档录入、收集存档查询 二、借阅利用:档案借阅、借阅审批、借阅查询、归还提醒…