Transforms styleName
to className
using compile time CSS module resolution. See the babel-plugin-react-css-modules README for details.
yarn add gatsby-plugin-react-css-modules
// In your gatsby-config.js
plugins: [
resolve: `gatsby-plugin-react-css-modules`,
options: {
// *.css files are included by default.
// To support another syntax (e.g. SCSS),
// add `postcss-scss` to your project's devDependencies
// and add the following option here:
filetypes: {
".scss": { syntax: `postcss-scss` },
// Exclude global styles from the plugin using a RegExp:
exclude: `\/global\/`,
Files must be named using the pattern filename.module.css
for Gatsby to treat them as CSS modules. You can change this behavior using a custom webpack config