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aout.fth        Write a Unix V7 executable.
base.fth        Numbers in various bases.
bench.fth       Run some benchmarks.
bitmap.fth      An array of bits.
common.fth      Common words.
cross.fth       Cross compilation.
elapsed.fth     Elapsed time.
elf.fth         Write an ELF executable.
forward.fth     Declare forward references to be resolved at a later time.
gemdos.fth      Write a GEMDOS executable.
image.fth       Compilation to a target image.
intel-hex.fth	Intel HEX file format.
macros.fth      Use ]] [[ to simplify postponing words.
mem.fth         Read and write 16/32/64-bit words.
meta.fth        Metacompiler.
pe.fth          Write a PE executable.
quotations.fth  Quotations using [: ;] notation.
save-image.fth  Save live image to a file.
trace.fth       Debug facility.
where.fth       Where is a word used?
xforward.fth    Forward declarations for cross compilation.