Main repo for developing traction adaptive motion planning using sampling augmented adaptive RTI. Under development!
The TAMP algorithm uses sampling augmented adaptive RTI to allow dynamically setting the tire force constraints. This enables the motion planner to deal with locally varying traction conditions in critical maneuvers. Details on the algorithm are available here: Simulations are done using and the RTI solver is exported by the acado toolkit
System configuration: ubuntu 16.04 LTS & ROS Kinetic
apt-get install ros-kinetic-jsk-rviz-plugins
clone this repo and fork of fssim to a new catkin workspace
git clone [email protected]:larsvens/tamp_ws.git
git clone [email protected]:larsvens/fssim.git
build with catkin build
To run the racing demo:
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch common bringup_gotthard_FSG.launch
roslaunch common experiment.launch exp_config:="gotthard_racing_nonadapt_config.yaml"
saarti saarti_node.launch
roslaunch common ctrl_interface.launch
If you find the code useful in your own research, please consider citing
title={Adaptive trajectory planning and optimization at limits of handling},
author={Svensson, Lars and Bujarbaruah, Monimoy and Kapania, Nitin and T{\"o}rngren, Martin},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1903.04240},