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C. DeTar 2/12/2008

Code for extracting an extended source from a staggered or Dirac
propagator.  The source is written to a SciDAC formatted file.  An
input Dirac propagator produces twelve Dirac source records, one for
each underlying source spin and color.  An input staggered propagator
produces either twelve naive Dirac source records or three color
vector field records.  The extended source can be smeared and momentum
can be inserted.

Sample input parameter file

The file begins with the standard MILC stanza defining the lattice

  prompt 0
  nx 4
  ny 4
  nz 4
  nt 8

Next comes the job ID:


The next series of stanzas specifies the input propagator files.

  # Description of quarks

The number of propators to process

  number_of_quarks 3
  # quark 0

Parameters for the first propagator
  quark_type clover

Choices for quark types are "KS" and "clover".  See clover example

Propagator files for this quark
The code recognizes FNAL, MILC, and SciDAC KS formats.

  reload_serial_wprop ../binary_samples/wprop_fm.sample.l4448.ll
  save_serial_scidac_w_source out.test.w_source.1

Time slice to extract for the extended source.

  t0 4

Smearing information for the extended source.
  # smearing for quark 0

Input smearing file

  load_sink ../binary_samples/smear_fm.sample.l4448.ll

Smearing momentum

  momentum 1 0 0

Label for smearing

  sink_label 1S

Gamma matrix to be applied to the extended source

  sink_gamma G5
Stanza for the second propagator

  # quark 1
  quark_type KS
  reload_serial_ksprop ../binary_samples/ksprop_fm.sample.l4448.ll
  save_serial_scidac_ks_source out.test.ks_source.1
  t0 4
  # smearing for quark 1

Here is how we specify no smearing  

  origin 0 0 0
  sink_label d
Gamma matrix to be applied to the extended source

  sink_gamma G5
Stanza for the third propagator

  # quark 2
  quark_type KS
  reload_serial_ksprop ../binary_samples/ksprop_fm.sample.l4448.ll

Specifying a Wilson (Dirac) extended source causes the staggered
propagator to be converted to naive.  In the staggered to naive
conversion we assume that the staggered source has support only on
hypercube corners.

  save_serial_scidac_w_source out.test.ks_source_naive.1
  t0 4
  # smearing for quark 2
  load_sink ../binary_samples/smear_fm.sample.l4448.ll
  momentum 0 0 0
  sink_label 1S
Gamma matrix to be applied to the extended source

  sink_gamma G5