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Class Lifecycle

File metadata and controls

131 lines (113 loc) · 4.44 KB

Class Lifecyle Generation

Quick Start

  1. Add a reference to the Uno.CodeGen.ClassLifecycle Nuget package in your project. NuGet

  2. Create a new class and add methods one of the following attributes

    • [ConstructorMethod]
    • [DisposeMethod]
    • [FinalizerMethod]
    public partial class MyClass
        private void MyConstructor()
        private void MyDispose()
        private void MyFinalizer()
  3. Compile (the generation process occurs at compile time).

  4. It will generate the following public methods for you:

     partial class MyClass : IDisposable
     	// If none defined on your class, a default constructor which invokes the Initialize()
     	public MyClass()
     	// The initialize method which must be invoked in each constructor
     	private void Initialize()
     	// Disposable pattern implementation
     	protected virtual void Dispose(bool isDisposing)
     		if (isDisposing)
     	// IDisposable implementation
     	public void Dispose()
     	// Class finalizer

Constructor Rules

If you have any method which is marked with the [ConstructorMethod] attribute, an Initialize method will be generated.

  1. All constructors of the class must invoke the Initialize method (either directly in its body, or by invoking an other constructor.
  2. Parameters: You can have some parameters on your constructor methods. They will be aggregated as parameters of the Initialize() method.
    • To be consistent between builds, they are sorted using the following rules:
      1. Non optional parameters
      2. Alphabetically
    • If a parameter is optional, its default value will also be copied.
    • If two methods are defining a parameter with the same name:
      • If they have the same type, they will be merged, otherwise an error will be generated.
      • If they are booth optional, and the default value is the same, they will stay optional on the Initialize. If default value are different, an error will be generated. If any is non optional, it will be required.
  3. If you don't have any parameter-less constructor defined in your class, and the Initialize doesn't have any non optional parameter, then a parameter-less constructor will be generated. It will invoke the Initialize for you, so you only have to invoked it in your own constructors:
     public MyClass(string aParameter) 
       *: this()*
  4. The return type of the method marked with [ConstructorMethod] must be void

Dispose Rules

If you have any method marked with the [DisposeMethod] attribute, the generation will make your class implement IDisposable, and ensure to invoke your methods when the IDisposable.Dispose method is invoked.

  1. Your methods must not have any parameter.
  2. The return type of the method marked with [DisposeMethod] must be void
  3. Your class must not implement IDisposable itself. If you want to add stuff to the dispose process, add another method marked with [DisposeMethod].
  4. If your class inherits from a class which already implements IDisposable:
    1. If the base class implements the dispose pattern, the generated code will override the Dispose(bool isDisposing) method.
    2. If the base class is Uno.Core.IExtensibleDisposable, it will register itself as an extention.
    3. If the Dispose() method is virtual, it will override it.
    4. As the override in not possible, an error will be generated.

Finalizer Rules

If you have any method which is marked with the [FinalizerMethod] attribute, the generation will generate the class finalizer (~MyClass), and ensure to invoke your methods when invoked.

  1. Your methods must not have any parameter.
  2. The return type of the method marked with [FinalizerMethod] must be void
  3. Your class must not define the finalizer itself. If you want to add stuff to the finalize process, add another method marked with [FinalizerMethod].