This is the community maintained wiki covering all sorts of information on the next-generation peer-to-peer technology platform build by ÐΞV including Ethereum the generalised blockchain for smart contract development and Whisper the private low-level datagram communication platform.
Users signed in with Github can edit and add pages using the browser or locally.
The latest stable (i.e. the clients are interoperable) release is PoC6. See below for releases. You can browse the chain using the poc6 block explorer.
Currently in development, mainly data structure and Virtual Machine improvements. A reorganised opcode set will break old contracts though. A release of clients is scheduled for mid November.
To get the basic concepts of Ethereum read the ethereum whitepaper or for a more formal review the ethereum yellow paper. See the ethereum development tutorial for quick start to developing smart contracts.
Check the Glossary and our FAQ. There is a another wiki for information relevant to the C++ implementation.
Currently stable clients are available for PoC-6 (Proof of Concept #6):
- AlethZero, eth and neth (C++)
- Mist (Go)
- pyeth (Python)
Bleeding edge PoC-7 code can be cloned from the develop branch of their git repositories:
To see the state of the latest Ethereum builds, see the build server.