Fast distributed SQL query engine for big data analytics that helps you explore your data universe
The following table lists the configurable parameters of the Trino chart and their default values.
Parameter | Description | Default |
image.repository |
"trinodb/trino" |
image.pullPolicy |
"IfNotPresent" |
image.tag |
"latest" |
imagePullSecrets |
[{"name": "registry-credentials"}] |
server.workers |
2 |
server.node.environment |
"production" |
server.node.dataDir |
"/data/trino" |
server.node.pluginDir |
"/usr/lib/trino/plugin" |
server.log.trino.level |
"INFO" |
server.config.path |
"/etc/trino" |
server.config.http.port |
8080 |
server.config.https.enabled |
false |
server.config.https.port |
8443 |
server.config.https.keystore.path |
"" |
server.config.authenticationType |
"" |
server.config.query.maxMemory |
"4GB" |
server.config.query.maxMemoryPerNode |
"1GB" |
server.config.memory.heapHeadroomPerNode |
"1GB" |
| |
"filesystem" |
server.exchangeManager.baseDir |
"/tmp/trino-local-file-system-exchange-manager" |
server.workerExtraConfig |
"" |
server.coordinatorExtraConfig |
"" |
server.autoscaling.enabled |
false |
server.autoscaling.maxReplicas |
5 |
server.autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage |
50 |
accessControl |
{} |
additionalNodeProperties |
{} |
additionalConfigProperties |
{} |
additionalLogProperties |
{} |
additionalExchangeManagerProperties |
{} |
eventListenerProperties |
{} |
additionalCatalogs |
{} |
env |
[] |
initContainers |
{} |
securityContext.runAsUser |
1000 |
securityContext.runAsGroup |
1000 |
service.type |
"ClusterIP" |
service.port |
8080 |
nodeSelector |
{} |
tolerations |
[] |
affinity |
{} |
auth |
{} |
serviceAccount.create |
false |
| |
"" |
serviceAccount.annotations |
{} |
secretMounts |
[] |
coordinator.jvm.maxHeapSize |
"8G" |
coordinator.jvm.gcMethod.type |
"UseG1GC" |
coordinator.jvm.gcMethod.g1.heapRegionSize |
"32M" |
coordinator.additionalJVMConfig |
{} |
coordinator.resources |
{} |
coordinator.livenessProbe |
{} |
coordinator.readinessProbe |
{} |
worker.jvm.maxHeapSize |
"8G" |
worker.jvm.gcMethod.type |
"UseG1GC" |
worker.jvm.gcMethod.g1.heapRegionSize |
"32M" |
worker.additionalJVMConfig |
{} |
worker.resources |
{} |
worker.livenessProbe |
{} |
worker.readinessProbe |
{} |
kafka.mountPath |
"/etc/trino/schemas" |
kafka.tableDescriptions |
{} |
Documentation generated by Frigate.