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Node GH Build Status NPM version

Class Octocat

All the power of GitHub in your terminal.

Table of contents


gh  [command] [payload] [--flags]


[sudo] npm install -g gh


In order to sucessfully run this project you must have NodeJS installed.

Available commands

gh help

Pull requests

gh pull-request

Alias: gh pr

1. List

Option Usage Type
-l, --list Required Boolean
-a, --all Optional Boolean
-d, --detailed Optional Boolean
-b, --branch Optional String
-r, --repo Optional String
-S, --state Optional [open, closed]
-s, --user Optional String


  • List open pulls requests for the current branch.

gh pr ```

  • List open pulls requests for all branches.

gh pr --list --all ```

  • List open pulls requests with link and content.

gh pr --list --detailed ```

  • List open pulls requests for a branch.

gh pr --list --branch master ```

2. Fetch

Option Usage Type
-f, --fetch Required Boolean
-n, --number Required Number
-M, --merge Optional Boolean
-R, --rebase Optional Boolean
-r, --repo Optional String
-s, --user Optional String


  • Fetch pull request and checkout into a new branch pull-1.

gh pr 1 ```

  • Fech pull request rebasing or merging into the current branch.

gh pr 1 --fetch --rebase gh pr 1 --fetch --merge ```

3. Merge or rebase

Option Usage Type
-M, --merge Required Boolean
-R, --rebase Required Boolean
-n, --number Optional Number
-b, --branch Optional String
-r, --repo Optional String
-s, --user Optional String

Omitting --number will try to guess the pull number from branch name e.g. pull-1 results in --number 1. Omitting --branch will merge or rebase into config.default_branch.


  • Merge or rebase pull request into a branch.

gh pr 1 --merge ```


gh pr 1 --rebase ```

  • Merge or rebase pull request into branch dev.

gh pr 1 --rebase --branch dev ```


gh pr 1 --merge --branch dev ```

4. Comment

Option Usage Type
-c, --comment Required String
-n, --number Required Number
-r, --repo Optional String
-s, --user Optional String


  • Comment on a pull request.

gh pr 1 --comment "Merged, thank you!" ```

5. Forward

Option Usage Type
--fwd Required String
-n, --number Required Number


  • Forward a pull request to another reviewer.

gh pr 1 --fwd username ```

6. Open or close

Option Usage Type
-o, --open Required Boolean
-C, --close Required Boolean
-n, --number Required Number
-r, --repo Optional String
-s, --user Optional String


  • Open a pull request.

gh pr 1 --open ```

  • Close a pull request.

gh pr 1 --close ```

  • Open or close a pull request that you've sent to someone.

gh pr 1 --close --user eduardolundgren ```

7. Submit

Option Usage Type
-s, --submit Required String
-b, --branch Optional String
-t, --title Optional String

Omitting --title will submit a pull request using current branch name as title.


  • Submit a pull request using the current branch.

gh pr --submit eduardolundgren --title 'Fix #32' ```

  • Submit a pull request using the current branch to dev branch.

gh pr --submit eduardolundgren --branch dev ```


gh notifications

Alias: gh nt

1. Latest

Option Usage Type
-l, --latest Required Boolean
-r, --repo Optional String
-s, --user Optional String


  • Display the latest activities on the current repository.

gh nt ```

  • Display the latest activities on a certain repository.

gh nt --latest --user eduardolundgren --repo node-gh ```

2. Watch

Option Usage Type
-w, --watch Required Boolean
-r, --repo Optional String
-s, --user Optional String


  • Watch for any activity on the current repository.

gh nt --watch ```

  • Watch for any activity on a certain repository.

gh nt --watch --user eduardolundgren --repo node-gh ```


gh issue

Alias: gh is

1. Create

Option Usage Type
-N, --new Required Boolean
-t, --title Required String
-L, --label Optional String
-m, --message Optional String
-r, --repo Optional String
-u, --user Optional String


  • Create a new issue on the current repository.

gh is 'Node GH rocks!' 'Body with Markdown support' ```

  • Create a new issue on a certain repository.

gh is --new --title 'Node GH rocks!' --message 'Body with Markdown support' --user eduardolundgren --repo node-gh ```

  • Create a new issue with labels.

gh is --new --title 'Node GH rocks!' --label bug,question,test ```

2. Comment

Option Usage Type
-c, --comment Required String
-n, --number Required Number
-r, --repo Optional String
-u, --user Optional String


  • Comment on an issue of the current repository.

gh is 1 --comment 'Node GH rocks!' ```

  • Comment on an issue of a certain repository.

gh is 1 --comment 'Node GH rocks!' --user eduardolundgren --repo node-gh ```

3. Open or close

Option Usage Type
-o, --open Required Boolean
-C, --close Required Boolean
-n, --number Required Number
-r, --repo Optional String
-s, --user Optional String


  • Open an issue.

gh is 1 --open ```

  • Close an issue.

gh pr 1 --close ```

  • Open or close an issue that you've sent to someone.

gh pr 1 --close --user eduardolundgren ```

4. List

Option Usage Type
-l, --list Required Boolean
-a, --all Optional Boolean
-d, --detailed Optional Boolean
-L, --label Optional String
-r, --repo Optional String
-S, --state Optional [open, closed]
-u, --user Optional String


  • List all issues on the current repository.

gh is ```

  • List all issues from all repositories.

gh is --list --all ```

  • List issues with link and content.

gh is --list --detailed ```

  • List only closed issues on the current repository.

gh is --list --state closed ```

  • List issues that contains labels todo and bug.

gh is --list --label todo,bug ```

  • List all issues on a certain repository.

gh is --list --user eduardolundgren --repo node-gh ```


Eduardo Lundgren Zeno Rocha
Eduardo Lundgren Zeno Rocha


Contribute new commands to this project by copying and editing the content of Hello World example.


  • v0.1.13 June 3, 2013

    • Fixed error using wrong branch name when submitting a pull request
  • v0.1.12 June 3, 2013

    • Enable fetch PRs from private repos
  • v0.1.11 June 2, 2013

    • Add --label, --state and --detailed flags on listing Issues
    • Add the hability to open/close an Issue
    • Fixed error when running command outside of a Git repo
    • Improve log for listing open and closed pull requests trough --state flag
  • v0.1.10 May 30, 2013

    • Cross platform process.env.HOME
  • v0.1.8 May 30, 2013

    • Open issue in browser
    • Open pull request url on the browser after sending it
  • v0.1.7 May 30, 2013

    • Add hability to set number without --number flag
  • v0.1.6 May 30, 2013

    • Add the hability to specify a title on gh pr --submit
    • Add password mask on authentication
    • Bug fixes
  • v0.1.5 May 29, 2013

    • Fix pull request integrity check
  • v0.1.4 May 28, 2013

    • Add the hability to create an Issue
    • Add the hability to comment on an Issue
    • Rename pull request --comment to --message
    • Rename pull request --pull to --number
  • v0.1.3 May 28, 2013

    • Remove mustache dependency
  • v0.1.2 May 28, 2013

    • Removing wrong number on submit
  • v0.1.1 May 27, 2013

    • Add Help task
    • Standardize logs
    • Bug fixes
  • v0.1.0 May 26, 2013

    • Allow log handlebars template from string
    • Move apply replacements logic to logger
    • Use handlebars templates instead of strings
    • Refactoring template integration with logger
    • Rename pull request --comment to --message
    • Add Issues task
  • v0.0.7 May 24, 2013

    • Add pull request forward command
    • Add Travis continous integration with JSHint
    • Create a new website under gh-pages branch
    • Update dependency version: [email protected]
    • Add Hello World and Notification tasks
  • v0.0.6 May 17, 2013

    • Add hability to merge or rebase pull request
    • Add base.getUser and git.merge helpers
  • v0.0.5 May 16, 2013

    • Add login to be invoked by default in series
  • v0.0.4 May 16, 2013

    • Create ~/.gh.json if needed
  • v0.0.3 May 16, 2013

    • Merge user ~/.gh.json with default .gh.json
    • Add default .gh.json
    • Fix bin path
  • v0.0.2 May 16, 2013

    • Add fetch, open/close, message
    • Use moment humanize utility
  • v0.0.1 May 14, 2013

    • Initial commit


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