2018.1.16 UTC+8 17:12
- Update copyright. (+0.1.0)
- Optimize Json ParseNumber and code format. (+0.0.1)
- Json optimize if else to switch case. (+0.0.1)
- Refactor Json ParseObject, ParseArray and SkipString fucntions. (+0.1.0)
- Rename TweenData to Tween. (+0.1.0)
- Fix tween variable name error and float value missing 'f'. (+0.0.2)
- Fix code warning and modify log msg. (+0.0.2)
- Add LibPng 1.6.25 XCode and AndroidStudio project. (+0.1.0)
- Modify java and swift code. (+0.0.1)
2017.7.2 UTC+8 09:58
- Initial Release.