- chore(changelog): WIP (4f35cb8)
- chore(changelog): WIP (c51bb87)
- chore(changelog): WIP (33520b2)
- chore(config): exported scullyConfig (#222) (6ee2b01), closes #222
- chore(docs): improve getting started (497415f)
- chore(monorepo): testing the new commitizen (205c5fa)
- chore(ng-add): add message for show the angular version support (#253) (d4c7f0c), closes #253
- chore(publish): add np for publish (398bc85)
- chore(pushed out new packages and updated versions): pushed out new packages and updated versions (c7ac1a8)
- chore(script): 🤖 add commit select for commit only the file the pr need (#158) (2f6f0a1), closes #158
- chore(scully): fix bug ISSUE_TEMPLATE (#203) (ed778d0), closes #203
- chore(scully): fix ISSUE_TEMPLATEs (#238) (a7e967d), closes #238
- chore(update): update package version (06b3545)
- chore(version bump and guess test): bump the version, and add a guess test (#241) (62cd801), closes #241
- chore(version update): version update (#272) (2ca42bd), closes #272
- feat: use only ascii chars within route option (#210) (78da93b), closes #210
- feat(add-plugin): add schematics for create a new custom plugin (#196) (bdc0053), closes #196
- feat(changelog): add changelog file and github action for this (1f329d1)
- feat(compildconfig): support multiple projects (#229) (bf046c7), closes #229
- feat(config): add extraRoutes to scully.config (#139) (28dab59), closes #139
- feat(frontmatter handling): handle published and slug parameters in content files (#204) (1a05af8), closes #204
- feat(guess-parser): update to latest guess-parser (#244) (d0ac97a), closes #244
- feat(hostname): puts in a hostname option (#187) (958d581), closes #187 #87
- feat(LICENCE): add MIT LICENSE (96192e5)
- feat(monorepo): add new commitizens options (a6c492e)
- feat(ng-add): add support for angular v8 (#169) (bced623), closes #169
- feat(performance statistics): gather performance statistics (#257) (b4d619c), closes #257
- feat(pluginrpository.ts): refactor registerplugin to take validator (72d3ae4)
- feat(puppeteerrenderplugin): add support for hostURL (#186) (746e037), closes #186
- feat(registerplugin): make configValidators optional (#70) (83ba3f7), closes #70 #64
- feat(retry render and dnb): retry puppetteer on failure and render routes on full render only (#256) (471c2eb), closes #256
- feat(route-discovery): add a route discovery (#233) (96c890e), closes #233
- feat(routeinfo): pulled complete roueInfo insto route-discovery phase (#252) (b587309), closes #252
- feat(schematics): add prompts (#89) (42ab761), closes #89
- feat(schematics): add support for nx monorepos (#162) (df0190d), closes #162 #108
- feat(Scully config): adds an option to set the puppeteer launch options (#184) (f81c560), closes #184 #181
- feat(scully runtime config): user forRoot to pass config to Scully (#271) (7d643c0), closes #271
- feat(scully): add warnings (01c9395)
- feat(scully): Add option for open the browser after run the server. (#292) (613dcc7), closes #292
- feat(scully): Add replaceFirstRouteParamWithVal util (#123) (c4b8a28), closes #123
- feat(scully): allow specify headers when using the JSON plugin (#140) (8415355), closes #140 #137
- feat(scully): prepare scully for running inside Docker container (#109) (b319db3), closes #109
- feat(scullycontent): add a detectable Id to scully rendering errors (#230) (71f8e21), closes #230 #228
- feat(scullyindex): add outfolder for support config into scully.config (#185) (ea3f37c), closes #185
- feat(ssl): extract SSL into its own file (#295) (6dd42a5), closes #295
- feat(staticserver): add option for use ssl into the static server (#293) (dbdfc89), closes #293
- feat(transferstateservice): add support fo transfering state from bui… (#138) (1461e5c), closes #138
- feat(transferStateservice): don't load index.html on every route (#281) (0e17027), closes #281
- feat(transferstateservice): Fix ngc error (#152) (1d3eafd), closes #152
- feat(traverseapparoutes): make sure there is allwyas an root Route
(#266) (8954b8d), closes #266 - feat(voidplugin): plugin that lets you exclude routes (1708e5c), closes #154
- refactor(docs): Add midding files (a36d7f0)
- add new version build (bee5c61)
- add new version build (e0bc785)
- Add support for asciidoc (#19) (02a79a6), closes #19
- Add urls to npm packages (7af0ee8)
- Added a way to detect Scully (#45) (0b3eea4), closes #45
- change name of CI (38905e8)
- chore(limit) (#284) (df7c59b), closes #284
- Config load with require (#125) (4dd239a), closes #125 #122 #107
- Documentation alpha 01 (#12) (f98b4b2), closes #12 #13
- Feat/schematic options (#149) (9a9d4ea), closes #149
- Fix ng-add to allow to be ran multiple times (#35) (9d4f31b), closes #35
- Fix/typo scullycontent (#212) (97d3bd8), closes #212
- Fix/watch mode (#59) (9eac48d), closes #59 #57 #40
- Fix/watchmode (#259) (1bd3fac), closes #259
- Fixes for #298 #299 #300 in TransferStateService (#301) (4eefc2f), closes #298 #299 #300 #301 #299 #298 #300 #300
- Frosty/excluded files (#280) (94e275c), closes #280
- Frosty/twitterlogos (#274) (4899090), closes #274
- hello static world! (eba6fba)
- IdleService move out of app.component (#242) (1667a8e), closes #242
- merge coulson version (3b88a32)
- More and improved samples and error messages (#17) (33d298a), closes #17
- Postrenderers addition (#160) (9980f5f), closes #160
- refactor/cleanup: scully schematics (#177) (3445f3a), closes #177
- refactoring/tests
ng add
(#176) (bd63d98), closes #176 - remove redundant checks for scully.json (#10) (0bf2a11), closes #10
- Remove some stale files (#9) (b85b244), closes #9
- Remove stale route (d264cdd)
- remove stray publish files (431d02a)
- Remove whitespace in bug report template (#49) (06ad5f3), closes #49
- Sander/add config to handled route (#206) (9f0a9c2), closes #206
- Sander/chores (#261) (784c694), closes #261
- Sander/css scoping (#250) (ce599ed), closes #250
- Sander/error on config error (#285) (ea71332), closes #285
- Sander/fix orange (#20) (bbca707), closes #20
- Sander/fix193 route service (#198) (3a74da6), closes #198 #193 #193
- Sander/guess error handling (#173) (cc63194), closes #173
- Sander/implement proxy (#294) (095e020), closes #294
- Sander/normalize line endings (#201) (081cb74), closes #201 #192
- Sander/postrender sample (#161) (f4bd856), closes #161
- Sander/work on contextof vm (#51) (1e558e0), closes #51
- Schematics/fix dasherize spaces name (#21) (d999119), closes #21
- Schematics/fix pre alpha (#15) (666e886), closes #15
- Schematics/markdown folder (#3) (d894410), closes #3
- Schematics/multiproject (#227) (641ca23), closes #227
- Schematics/project prefix (#38) (7fdabb0), closes #38 #27
- Schematics/scully config js (#11) (ddfea57), closes #11
- test(jest/cypress): add test for check the integrity of the sample project (#278) (308d423), closes #278
- Throw a waring when outFolder isn't defines in
(#67) (a73a780), closes #67 - Update changelog.yml (153f302)
- Update getting-started.md (#50) (8ad0fac), closes #50
- update readme (27b79dd)
- update schematics version (acc4cc4)
- update version (f86196f)
- update version schematics (be48c03)
- updated package.json files with scully URL's (98aaf86)
- versions (6268118)
- improvement(better demo): a more complete demo (#231) (530d323), closes #231
- improvement(changelog): change type of changelog (0aaee4c)
- improvement(cmd): add alias for proxy (#297) (a3621c8), closes #297
- improvement(cofig.ts): throw an error when
is used as outputpath in angular.json (#188) (2514dd1), closes #188 #56 - improvement(published new versions): publisched new version (8d0bbe1)
- improvement(scully): add routes validation (4aa6fb3)
- improvement(scully): export built-in plugins (#153) (3facce0), closes #153
- fix: 🐛 fix install error (#174) (fac6eef), closes #174
- fix: make sure devDependencies are marked as such (#110) (78dbdf2), closes #110
- fix: replace falsy check with explicit string check to allow root route (#276) (75543eb), closes #276
- fix: type slugs as possibly non-empty (#53) (4d5b46a), closes #53
- fix(asciidoc logging): hide the asciidocs logging (#68) (6f3b204), closes #68 #61
- fix(changelog): fix yml (4a5b84c)
- fix(changelog): fix yml error (0d021e4)
- fix(cli): fs_extra_1.pathExists is not a function (#32) (2db725f), closes #32 #28
- fix(could not connect to server): explain the reason for the could not connect (#216) (fc4f5c1), closes #216 #40
- fix(create-markdown): add more chars to support (#205) (5d7aa47), closes #205
- fix(create-markdown): filter non ASCII characters (#190) (73cfa2b), closes #190
- fix(extrroutes): fix bug wehre extraroutes fails (#224) (f07ba67), closes #224 #223
- fix(hosturl): fix hostURL so the our internal server is not started, and we are quireing (#277) (88a1b26), closes #277
- fix(js plugins): update to use new register function (a2416df)
- fix(launchedbrowser): wait for config to be available before launch puppeteer (#267) (1a452d1), closes #267
- fix(ng-add): fix error in regex into ngadd (#170) (c1e6bf4), closes #170
- fix(ng-add): fix error with httpClientModule import (#168) (97f230a), closes #168 #90
- fix(ng-add): fix v8 import (#189) (fa173a8), closes #189
- fix(ng-lib): correct httpclient import (#69) (f355610), closes #69 #52
- fix(ng-lib): correct ModuleWithProvider (#75) (02059cd), closes #75
- fix(ng-lib): remove failing import (#183) (d543a1f), closes #183
- fix(pupperteerrenderplugn.ts): inject scully content on both timeout and scully-ready event (#246) (81ad5e9), closes #246 #239
- fix(registerplugin): better error on type (#225) (99c0253), closes #225 #219
- fix(remove httpclientmodule): refactor to drop depedency on httpClien… (#182) (0929c2f), closes #182
- fix(scully readme): put readme back on npm (4d580f2)
- fix(scully-content.component): don't try to rerender content when nagigating one level "up" (#145) (67132de), closes #145 #121
- fix(scully-index): change outFolder for outDir (#207) (f2cace1), closes #207
- fix(scully-routes.service): fix missing return type (#172) (925bcb4), closes #172 #171
- fix(scully): fix Could not connect to server (#178) (213247f), closes #178
- fix(scully): fix the pointer in the package.json to point at the bin folder (#141) (bda9686), closes #141
- fix(scully): lint issues and typos (#77) (8ce6c13), closes #77
- fix(scully): make sure scully emits non-zero exit code on errors (#115) (8410508), closes #115
- fix(scully): render doctype (d8b2405)
- fix(scullyroutesservice): dont error when nor routefile is found (#218) (ec94d08), closes #218
- fix(staticserve): make sure 404 is handled correctly at staticserve (8a5d741)
- fix(transferstate): make sure it fires even on first load in lazy-loaded module (#268) (2da6614), closes #268
- fix(traverseapp): looks in the different places for tsconfig.app.json (#282) (7b61ffd), closes #282
- ci(nodejs.yml): add pull request to run github actions (#303) (672ff13), closes #303
- CI(GA): Add github actions for CI (#296) (a177a30), closes #296
- Feat(contentFolder): add support for multi-level folders (#290) (37d68c0), closes #290
- docs: ✏️ fix typos in found in docs (76b2505)
- docs: add polyfill.md (#179) (7392081), closes #179
- docs(assets): add logos (#273) (6339c36), closes #273
- docs(npm): add readme.md for npm (72c91e1)
- docs(readme): fix typos. (0330044)
- docs(scully): update readme.md to NPMJS (#119) (b02baaa), closes #119
- docs(scully): add content about scully.config and plugins (#163) (7545fa5), closes #163
- docs(scully): add docs about ng-lib (4ae475e)
- docs(scully): add getting started page spanish translation (#264) (ccf8679), closes #264
- docs(scully): add info about zero pre-rendered pages (825bc22)
- docs(scully): add issue template for docs (#71) (5ede55e), closes #71
- docs(scully): add link to contribution guidelines (6908317)
- docs(scully): add link to Gitter in the docs (0261152)
- docs(scully): add Office hours information (536363f)
- docs(scully): add office hours information to NPM (bdc7154)
- docs(scully): add pull request template (75e0400)
- docs(scully): add registerPlugin explanation (#208) (4193298), closes #208 #127
- docs(scully): add right link to sign CLA (ba52add)
- docs(scully): add scully's CONTRIBUTING.md (24483cf)
- docs(scully): add showGuessError flag to docs (#258) (ca9fb6f), closes #258
- docs(scully): add signing the cla section (#103) (e196a1c), closes #103 #84
- docs(scully): baseFilter and removeStaticDist (#255) (569b316), closes #255
- docs(scully): describe syntax highlighting (10ec043)
- docs(scully): fix code styling (#101) (ef31d96), closes #101
- docs(scully): fix emoji in issues template metada (#254) (e54dac4), closes #254
- docs(scully): fix link to CONTRIBUTING.md file (#135) (03950aa), closes #135
- docs(scully): fix typo / update docs (eae148e)
- docs(scully): minor fixes (c334a7a)
- docs(scully): put link to set up angular project & note needed chromium support (288b6ae)
- docs(scully): remove angular references (596d092)
- docs(scully): small improvements to the getting-started. (f78646e)
- docs(scully): update cli version (da3c1f8)
- docs(scully): update cli version on spanish translation (0f01da3)
- docs(scully): update information about official plugins (#234) (ec12f25), closes #234
- docs(scully): update office hours info (#117) (2023e22), closes #117
- docs(scully): update official & community plugins (965ef93)
- docs(scully): update support to angular 8... (#199) (6486e68), closes #199
- docs(templates): add bug report template (74b34b3)
- docs(transferstate): add TransferState example to sampleBlog (#167) (835b4c0), closes #167
- refactor(app): remove old project name (d7ec836)
- refactor(content): fix typo into log (#211) (6ddd672), closes #211
- refactor(docs): bug report and feature request (f043370)
- refactor(docs): issues templates (e19346c)
- refactor(docs): Add extra information about plugins (c624d07)
- refactor(docs): add minor fixes and enhancements (687cfd2)
- refactor(docs): fix minor errors (65be7bc)
- refactor(docs): fix typo (32e4baf)
- refactor(docs): fix typo (2b059a4)
- refactor(schematics): fix typo for markdown (#245) (e81c86f), closes #245
- refactor(scully): add husky and pretty-quick (#147) (68658ec), closes #147 #143 #43
- refactor(test): change the format for support differents OS (#287) (23995a9), closes #287
- refactor(utils): Fix log spelling (85e6fc5)
- test(ng-lib): working test suites (#96) (4d0231a), closes #96
- test(schematics): use
instead ofoutFolder
(#209) (6710006), closes #209 - test(wait-on): add automatic test to pre-push (#283) (f2201cd), closes #283
- schematics(publish): update new version (851fb12)
- schematics(remove): remove heroRoute for the basic config (#22) (d487b07), closes #22
- schematics(update): update version (78c0d61)
componentsModule is renamed
refactor(remove stray nguniversal files): remove some stray ngUniversal files
fix(appp.module): put browsermodule back in
Co-authored-by: Stewan Silva [email protected]
is now namedscully.projectName.config.js
You need to manually update the name. -
Delete scully.scullyDocs.config.jsconfi
accidentially commited
docs(mutliproject): added docs and better erros for multiproject
feat(configfile): add configFile optiona back in