provide qq protocol for pidgin on linux. based on webqq service.
a pidgin plugin based on lwqq.
a excellent compact useful library for webqq protocol.
since the name may confused. lwqq is linux webqq
License: GPLv3
want above effect? see:gnome3 support
cmake ..
sudo make install
first use? see:user guide
set the verbose level .0 means no verbose,3 means max verbose.
- SSL[=On]
enable ssl support.
See wiki for the detail install guide.
recommand libcurl >=7.22.0
- send / recv buddy|group|discu messages
- send / recv picture messages
- send / recv qq face (you should use webqq faces theme in settings)
- send / recv input notify | shake message
- change buddy|group|discu markname
- full support discu function
- avatar
- change buddy category
- confirm buddy added request
- visit buddy qzone
- group whisper message
- change status/business card
- support multi webqq account
- support send/recv offline file
- support font style
- support block group message
- support recv file trans
- support local qqnumber cache
- support add friend/group
- support import online chat log
- send / recv text messages
- avatar
- not support local qqnumber cache
- send picture abnormal when libcurl < = 7.22.0
- telepathy-haze itself doesn't support group or picture.
- telepathy-haze store buddy list on /tmp/haze-XXX. every time startup recreate every thing.