Supports uploading PDFs and calling MinerU for processing
Supports online editing of the Markdown results parsed by MinerU
Supports viewing of historical tasks
- MinerU Installation and Deployment
# The service depends on mineru, please ensure mineru is installed first
- Package the front-end interface
# First, navigate to the front-end directory
cd projects/web
# Modify the configuration
# Change the IP in the target field of the file vite.config.ts to your own computer's IP
# Build the front-end project
npm install -g yarn
yarn install
yarn build
- Install service dependencies
# First, navigate to the back-end directory
cd projects/web_demo
# Install dependencies
pip3 install -r requirements.txt -i https://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/simple
- Start the service
# Navigate to the program directory
cd projects/web_demo/web_demo
# Start the service
python3 app.py or python app.py
# Access the interface by visiting the started address in the browser
ps:API documentation