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Soak Tests

This directory contains vector's soak tests, the integrated variant of our benchmarks. The idea was first described in RFC 6531 and has been steadily improved as laid out in Issue 9515.

Index of Soaks

The test definitions are in ./tests. ls -1 ./tests will give you an index of available tests. Each test has its own file with more details.


In order to run a soak locally you will need:

  • at least 6 CPUs
  • at least 6Gb of RAM
  • minikube
  • miller
  • docker
  • terraform

The CPU and RAM requirements are currently hard-coded but might be made flexible, possibly on a per-soak basis.


The approach taken here is intentionally simplistic. A 'soak' is a defined set of feature flags for building vector, a set of terraform to install vector and support programs in a minikube and some glue code to observe vector in operation. Consider this command:

> ./soaks/ --local-image --soak datadog_agent_remap_datadog_logs --baseline a32c7fd09978f76a3f1bd360c3a8d07a49538b70 --comparison be8ceafbf994d06f505bdd9fb392b00e0ba661f2

Here we run the soak test datadog_agent_remap_datadog_logs comparing vector at a32c7fd09978f76a3f1bd360c3a8d07a49538b70 with vector at be8ceafbf994d06f505bdd9fb392b00e0ba661f2. Two vector containers will be built for each SHA. The soak itself is defined in terraform, see [soaks/datadog_agent_remap_datadog_logs/terraform].

After running this command you will, in about ten minutes depending on whether you need to build containers or not, see a summary:

Apply complete! Resources: 16 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
Recording 'comparison' captures to /tmp/datadog_agent_remap_datadog_logs-captures.ZSRFXO
~/projects/com/github/timberio/vector/soaks ~/projects/com/github/timberio/vector
✋  Stopping node "minikube"  ...
🛑  1 nodes stopped.
🔥  Deleting "minikube" in kvm2 ...
💀  Removed all traces of the "minikube" cluster.
Captures recorded to /tmp/datadog_agent_remap_datadog_logs-captures.ZSRFXO

Here is a statistical summary of that file. Units are bytes.
Higher numbers in the 'comparison' is better.

EXPERIMENT   SAMPLE_min       SAMPLE_p90       SAMPLE_p99       SAMPLE_max       SAMPLE_skewness  SAMPLE_kurtosis
baseline     24739333.118644  25918423.847458  26095157.813559  26160720.271186  -0.019132        -0.690881
comparison   35376407.491525  36809921.423729  36975943.016949  37141773.576271  -0.280115        -1.330509

The baseline experiment maps to the first SHA given to -- a32c7fd09978f76a3f1bd360c3a8d07a49538b70 -- and represents the starting point of vector's throughput for this soak test. This baseline had a minimum observed byte/second throughput of 24739333.118644/sec, a max of 26160720.271186/sec etc. The comparison experiment has improved throughput -- higher numbers are better -- even if the experiment was slightly more skewed than baseline and had higher "tailedness". Improving this summary is a matter of importance.

Defining Your Own Soak

Assuming you can follow the pattern of an existing soak test you should be able to define a soak by copying the relevant soak into a new directory and updating the configuration that is present in that soak's terraform. Consider the "Datadog Agent -> Remap -> Datadog Logs" soak in tests/datadog_agent_remap_datadog_logs/. If you tree that directory you'll see:

> tree tests/datadog_agent_remap_datadog_logs
└── terraform
    ├── http_blackhole.yaml
    ├── http_gen.yaml
    ├── prometheus.yml
    └── vector.toml

1 directory, 9 files

The terraform/ sub-directory contains a small project definition. It's clear we can thin this out further -- the prometheus setup is common to all soaks -- but the primary things you need to concern yourself with are:

  • vector.toml
  • http_blackhole.yaml
  • http_gen.yaml

The contents are:

terraform {
  required_providers {
    kubernetes = {
      version = "~> 2.5.0"
      source  = "hashicorp/kubernetes"

provider "kubernetes" {
  config_path = "~/.kube/config"

resource "kubernetes_namespace" "soak" {
  metadata {
    name = "soak"

module "vector" {
  source       = "../../../common/terraform/modules/vector"
  type         = var.type
  vector_image = var.vector_image
  sha          = var.sha
  vector-toml  = file("${path.module}/vector.toml")
  namespace    = kubernetes_namespace.soak.metadata[0].name
  depends_on   = [module.http-blackhole]
module "http-blackhole" {
  source              = "../../../common/terraform/modules/lading_http_blackhole"
  type                = var.type
  http-blackhole-yaml = file("${path.module}/http_blackhole.yaml")
  namespace           = kubernetes_namespace.soak.metadata[0].name
module "http-gen" {
  source        = "../../../common/terraform/modules/lading_http_gen"
  type          = var.type
  http-gen-yaml = file("${path.module}/http_gen.yaml")
  namespace     = kubernetes_namespace.soak.metadata[0].name

This sets up a kubernetes provider pegged to minikube, creates a namespace 'soak' and installs three modules into that namespace: vector, http-blackhole and http-gen. The module definitions are in the common/ directory but suffice to say they install vector and its lading test peers into 'soak', configuring with the yaml files referenced above. There are a handful of modules available for use in soak testing; please add more as your infrastructure needs dictate. If at all possible do not require services external to the minikube.

Newly added soaks in tests/ will be ran automatically by CI.