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tergav17 / opennabuipl
Forked from buricco/opennabuiplReplacement boot ROM for the NABU Personal Computer
go4retro / C128-Z80Plus
Forked from ytmytm/c128-z80-8mhzDouble the clock speed of Z80 in C128
X16Community / vera-module
Forked from fvdhoef/vera-moduleVersatile Embedded Retro Adapter
MJoergen / C64MEGA65
Forked from sy2002/MiSTer2MEGA65Commodore 64 core for the MEGA65 based on the MiSTer FPGA C64 core
frehwagen / geos
Forked from mist64/geosSource code of GEOS 2.0 for the Commodore 64
bluewaysw / geos
Forked from frehwagen/geosSource code of 8-bit GEOS 6.0 for the MEGA65
JamesP6000 / WsprryPi
Forked from DanAnkers/WsprryPiRaspberry Pi WSPR transmitter using NTP based frequency calibration
bobbimanners / emailler
Forked from cc65/ip65Email and Usenet suite for the Apple //e or GS with Uthernet-II ethernet card
gardners / raycaster
Forked from mausimus/raycasterWolfenstein 3D-style raycasting on Arduino
MEGA65 / c64-GEOS2000
Forked from ytmytm/c64-GEOS2000GEOS KERNAL v2.0 - commented source code for GEOS 2.0 C64 with cleanups and optimizations