Download the Android Debug Bridge (ADB) to your laplop, and link your camera with your laptop.
python data_capture.py -n 1 -t 1.5
adb pull ~/DCIM/Camera/whiteboard.dng ~/whiteboard
Download the dcraw and ensure dcraw is in the system parameters.
Postprocessing the captured whiteboard raw image with dcraw:
dcraw -v -4 -T -w -n 300 -q 3 -o 0 ~/whiteboard/whiteboard.dng
python env_illuminance.py -i ~/whiteboard/whiteboard.tiff -o ~/env_illu.mat -p 100
python data_capture.py -n 7 -t 1.5
adb pull -r ~/DCIM/Camera/*.dng ~/rawdata
python post_processing.py -i ~/rawdata -n 7 -e ~/env_illu.mat -d 1.0
The 16-bit image is saved in the same directory of rawdata, named with "*_out.tiff"