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C++ Demos


This directory contains C++ sample programs for various Ice components. These examples are provided to get you started on using a particular Ice feature or coding technique.

Most of the subdirectories here correspond directly to Ice components, such as IceGrid, Glacier2, and so on. We've also included the following additional subdirectories:

  • Manual contains complete examples for some of the code snippets in the Ice manual.

  • Chat contains the C++ server, a command-line client, and a QT client for the ZeroC Chat Demo.

  • IceTouch contains iPhone demos for the Ice Touch SDKs.

Building and Running the Demos on Linux and OS X


The makefiles require GNU make 3.80 or later.

On OS X, the command-line demos require the Xcode Command Line Tools to be installed (use xcode-select --install to install them). The Ice Touch sample programs require the Ice Builder for Xcode.

If you've installed Ice in a non-standard location, you'll need to set the ICE_HOME environment variable with the path name of the installation directory:

export ICE_HOME=~/testing/Ice

Building the Demos

Review the settings in make/Make.rules. For example, set OPTIMIZE=yes to build with optimization.

When you're ready to start the build, run make:


To build the iOS examples, open IceTouch/demos.xcworkspace in Xcode.

Running the Demos

Before running a demo, make sure you've configured your environment to use Ice as described in the release notes.

If you've installed Ice in a non-standard location, you'll need to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH (Linux) or DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH (OS X) with the library directory of your Ice installation:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ICE_HOME/lib     (Linux x86)
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ICE_HOME/lib64   (Linux x64)

Refer to the README file in each demo directory for usage instructions.

Building and Running the Demos on Windows


The projects for the sample programs require the Ice Builder for Visual Studio. Add this extension to Visual Studio before opening the solution.

Building the Demos

Open the solution file C++ demos.sln to build the sample programs. This file was created with Visual Studio 2012 and will be converted if you are using a newer version of Visual Studio.

Select your target configuration: Debug or Release, Win32 or x64. Right click on the desired demo in the Solution Explorer window and select "Build".

Running the Demos

Before running a demo, make sure you've configured your environment to use Ice as described in the release notes.

Refer to the README file in each demo directory for usage instructions.

Building the Demo Apps for WinRT and UWP


The projects for the sample programs require the Ice Builder for Visual Studio. Add this extension to Visual Studio before opening the solution.

WinRT requires Windows 8.1 with Visual Studio 2013, and UWP requires Windows 10 with Visual Studio 2015.

Building the Demos

Open the solution file C++ demos (Windows 8.1 WinRT).sln or C++ demos (Universal Windows).sln to build the WinRT resp. UWP demo programs.

Select your target configuration: Debug or Release, and Win32, x86 or x64. Right click on the desired demo in the Solution Explorer window and select "Build".

Refer to the README file in each demo directory for usage instructions.

Building the Demos for Ice-E

Review the settings in make/Make.rules. For example, setOPTIMIZE=yes to build with optimization. Ensure ICEE_TARGET_OS is set to a supported platform, either debian or yocto.

When you're ready to start the build, run make:


The default build configuration will cross-compile demos for the target set in ICEE_TARGET_OS. After a successful build, you need to deploy the demos to the target device:

make BUILD_WITH_ICEE=yes demo_deploy

This command will deploy the demos to the device specified by the DEPLOY_TARGET variable in make/Make.rules.

After successfully deploying the demos, open an ssh session to the target and change to the deployment directory:

ssh [email protected]
cd ice-demos/cpp

Refer to the README file in each demo directory for usage instructions.