8 | 8 | "确认删除": "Confirm Delete",
9 | 9 | "确认绑定": "Confirm Binding",
10 | 10 | "您正在删除自己的帐户,将清空所有数据且不可恢复": "You are deleting your account, all data will be cleared and unrecoverable.",
11 |
| - "\"通道「%s」(#%d)已被禁用\"": "\"Channel %s (#%d) has been disabled\"", |
12 |
| - "通道「%s」(#%d)已被禁用,原因:%s": "Channel %s (#%d) has been disabled, reason: %s", |
| 11 | + "\"渠道「%s」(#%d)已被禁用\"": "\"Channel %s (#%d) has been disabled\"", |
| 12 | + "渠道「%s」(#%d)已被禁用,原因:%s": "Channel %s (#%d) has been disabled, reason: %s", |
13 | 13 | "测试已在运行中": "Test is already running",
14 | 14 | "响应时间 %.2fs 超过阈值 %.2fs": "Response time %.2fs exceeds threshold %.2fs",
15 |
| - "通道测试完成": "Channel test completed", |
16 |
| - "通道测试完成,如果没有收到禁用通知,说明所有通道都正常": "Channel test completed, if you have not received the disable notification, it means that all channels are normal", |
| 15 | + "渠道测试完成": "Channel test completed", |
| 16 | + "渠道测试完成,如果没有收到禁用通知,说明所有渠道都正常": "Channel test completed, if you have not received the disable notification, it means that all channels are normal", |
17 | 17 | "无法连接至 GitHub 服务器,请稍后重试!": "Unable to connect to GitHub server, please try again later!",
18 | 18 | "返回值非法,用户字段为空,请稍后重试!": "The return value is illegal, the user field is empty, please try again later!",
19 | 19 | "管理员未开启通过 GitHub 登录以及注册": "The administrator did not turn on login and registration via GitHub",
119 | 119 | " 个月 ": " M ",
120 | 120 | " 年 ": " y ",
121 | 121 | "未测试": "Not tested",
122 |
| - "通道 ${name} 测试成功,耗时 ${time.toFixed(2)} 秒。": "Channel ${name} test succeeded, time consumed ${time.toFixed(2)} s.", |
123 |
| - "已成功开始测试所有通道,请刷新页面查看结果。": "All channels have been successfully tested, please refresh the page to view the results.", |
124 |
| - "已成功开始测试所有已启用通道,请刷新页面查看结果。": "All enabled channels have been successfully tested, please refresh the page to view the results.", |
125 |
| - "通道 ${name} 余额更新成功!": "Channel ${name} balance updated successfully!", |
126 |
| - "已更新完毕所有已启用通道余额!": "The balance of all enabled channels has been updated!", |
| 122 | + "渠道 ${name} 测试成功,耗时 ${time.toFixed(2)} 秒。": "Channel ${name} test succeeded, time consumed ${time.toFixed(2)} s.", |
| 123 | + "已成功开始测试所有渠道,请刷新页面查看结果。": "All channels have been successfully tested, please refresh the page to view the results.", |
| 124 | + "已成功开始测试所有已启用渠道,请刷新页面查看结果。": "All enabled channels have been successfully tested, please refresh the page to view the results.", |
| 125 | + "渠道 ${name} 余额更新成功!": "Channel ${name} balance updated successfully!", |
| 126 | + "已更新完毕所有已启用渠道余额!": "The balance of all enabled channels has been updated!", |
127 | 127 | "搜索渠道的 ID,名称和密钥 ...": "Search for channel ID, name and key ...",
128 | 128 | "名称": "Name",
129 | 129 | "分组": "Group",
141 | 141 | "启用": "Enable",
142 | 142 | "编辑": "Edit",
143 | 143 | "添加新的渠道": "Add a new channel",
144 |
| - "测试所有通道": "Test all channels", |
145 |
| - "测试所有已启用通道": "Test all enabled channels", |
146 |
| - "更新所有已启用通道余额": "Update the balance of all enabled channels", |
| 144 | + "测试所有渠道": "Test all channels", |
| 145 | + "测试所有已启用渠道": "Test all enabled channels", |
| 146 | + "更新所有已启用渠道余额": "Update the balance of all enabled channels", |
147 | 147 | "刷新": "Refresh",
148 | 148 | "处理中...": "Processing...",
149 | 149 | "绑定成功!": "Binding succeeded!",
207 | 207 | "监控设置": "Monitoring Settings",
208 | 208 | "最长响应时间": "Longest Response Time",
209 | 209 | "单位秒": "Unit in seconds",
210 |
| - "当运行通道全部测试时": "When all operating channels are tested", |
211 |
| - "超过此时间将自动禁用通道": "Channels will be automatically disabled if this time is exceeded", |
| 210 | + "当运行渠道全部测试时": "When all operating channels are tested", |
| 211 | + "超过此时间将自动禁用渠道": "Channels will be automatically disabled if this time is exceeded", |
212 | 212 | "额度提醒阈值": "Quota reminder threshold",
213 | 213 | "低于此额度时将发送邮件提醒用户": "Email will be sent to remind users when the quota is below this",
214 |
| - "失败时自动禁用通道": "Automatically disable the channel when it fails", |
| 214 | + "失败时自动禁用渠道": "Automatically disable the channel when it fails", |
215 | 215 | "保存监控设置": "Save Monitoring Settings",
216 | 216 | "额度设置": "Quota Settings",
217 | 217 | "新用户初始额度": "Initial quota for new users",
405 | 405 | "镜像": "Mirror",
406 | 406 | "请输入镜像站地址,格式为:https://domain.com,可不填,不填则使用渠道默认值": "Please enter the mirror site address, the format is: https://domain.com, it can be left blank, if left blank, the default value of the channel will be used",
407 | 407 | "模型": "Model",
408 |
| - "请选择该通道所支持的模型": "Please select the model supported by the channel", |
| 408 | + "请选择该渠道所支持的模型": "Please select the model supported by the channel", |
409 | 409 | "填入基础模型": "Fill in the basic model",
410 | 410 | "填入所有模型": "Fill in all models",
411 | 411 | "清除所有模型": "Clear all models",
515 | 515 | "请输入自定义渠道的 Base URL": "Please enter the Base URL of the custom channel",
516 | 516 | "Homepage URL 填": "Fill in the Homepage URL",
517 | 517 | "Authorization callback URL 填": "Fill in the Authorization callback URL",
518 |
| - "请为通道命名": "Please name the channel", |
| 518 | + "请为渠道命名": "Please name the channel", |
519 | 519 | "此项可选,用于修改请求体中的模型名称,为一个 JSON 字符串,键为请求中模型名称,值为要替换的模型名称,例如:": "This is optional, used to modify the model name in the request body, it's a JSON string, the key is the model name in the request, and the value is the model name to be replaced, for example:",
520 | 520 | "模型重定向": "Model redirection",
521 | 521 | "请输入渠道对应的鉴权密钥": "Please enter the authentication key corresponding to the channel",
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