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docker build -t="continuumio/imagecat" .


After building or pulling: docker pull continuumio/imagecat

docker run -v /home/ubuntu/imagecat/DOCKER/images:/images -v /home/ubuntu/imagecat/DOCKER//staging:/deploy/data/staging/ -P -t -i continuumio/imagecat

If you're running ImageCat locally and need to host the images, you can set the environment variable IMAGECAT_IMAGE_PATH and the container will start a SimpleHTTPServer on port 9241, for example:

docker run -e IMAGECAT_IMAGE_PATH=/images ... continuumio/imagecat

Additionally you can specify a file other than staging/roxy-image-list-jpg-nonzero.txt by passing that filepath to the docker run statement:

docker run -v /home/ubuntu/imagecat/DOCKER/images:/images -v /home/ubuntu/imagecat/DOCKER//staging:/deploy/data/staging/ -P -t -i continuumio/imagecat my-image-list.txt

A running container should result in starting all services: solr, tomcat, oodt, etc. Last few lines of the running container will also expose the hostname/container id

Docker Container ID: e622260b8701
/deploy/logs /deploy/resmgr/bin
Watching /deploy/data/staging/roxy-image-list-jpg-nonzero.txt
Setting up watches.
Watches established.

With a running docker container you can now add images to the images dir: imagecat/DOCKER/images and update the list staging/roxy-image-list-jpg-nonzero.txt. Updating the list will automatically result in the chunker script being executed


docker port <CONTAINER_ID>

docker port e622260b8701
8080/tcp ->
8081/tcp ->
8888/tcp ->
8000/tcp ->

8081 mapping is the solr instance where one can externally view/query. Port 8000 has a simple webserver running in the logs directory for help with debugging a running container. This should be switched out for logstash or docker's 1.6 logging facilities.