This action creates a tarball with kbuild-output and other build artifacts necessary to run the selftests.
The action is expected to be executed by a workflow with access to the Linux kernel repository.
- Kernel build architecture, required to find image_namearchive
- path to the produced .zst archivekbuild-output
- Path to the kernel build outputrepo-root
- Path to the root of the Linux kernel repository
Essential content of the directory passed via kbuild-output
input is
always included in the tarball.
For selftests artifacts the script checks environment variables to determine what to include. These are handled as bash flags: emptystring means false, any other value means true.
- addtools/testing/selftests/bpf
binaries underselftests/bpf
- add all the Linux repo makefiles and other scriptsARCHIVE_SCHED_EXT_SELFTESTS
- addtools/testing/selftests/sched_ext
binaries underselftests/sched_ext
in the tarball