This contains a libretro port of ecwolf.
cmake -DLIBRETRO=1
For Android compilation
cmake -DLIBRETRO=1 -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=$NDK/build/cmake/android.toolchain.cmake -DANDROID_ABI=$ABI
- Menus are removed and it goes straight to episode or skill selection
- All options are moved to libretro options
- Full screen control is also moved to normal libretro
- Load and save is moved to libretro facilities as well
- Quit is removed from the core and is to be handled in libretro way as well
- Invunerability cheat is moved to libretro options
- Gamma control is not supported. Use libretro filters.
- Only IMF music is supported
- "Read This!" is missing
- "High scores" are also missing
- MLI cheat is missing
- Demo recording and playback are missing. Note: normal libretro demos are still there.
- F1 help is missing
- ID easter egg is missing
- mouse and keyboard support, including corresponding config, is missing. Only retropad currently works. You can control using retropad mappings
- '0'-'9' weapon selection is missing
- Buttons 'zoom', 'reload' and 'altattack' are missing. They're used only in mods.
- Buttons 'Strafe modifier' and 'status bar' are missing
- Netplay is missing
- Difficulty confirmation screen is missing
- Resizing screen with +/- is not supported. Use options
- Commander Keen easter egg is missing
- Menu movement animation is missing
- Robert's jukebox is missing
- Rewinding through intermission or death fizzling results in glitched screen
- Sometimes after loading a large asset, FPS drops. If that happens go to retroarch menu for couple of seconds and then back
This repository is forked from ecwolf on 23rd February 2020 with the intention of quicker handling libretro-related issued and collaboration. This is done with full respect of original authors and we would be happy to collaborate with them.