A curated list of Nextflow pipelines inspired by other awesome-* lists.
- cbcrg/ampa-nf - Automated prediction of protein antimicrobial regions
- cbcrg/mta-nf - A method for best alignment of evaluation trees
- nextflow-io/rnatoy - A basic RNA-Seq pipeline
- cbcrg/piper-nf - RNA mapping pipeline.
- cbcrg/kallisto-nf - Nextflow implementation of Kallisto & Sleuth RNA-Seq Tools.
- cbcrg/shootstrap - Reliability measure of inferred phylogenetic trees.
- iarcbioinfo/needlestack - Multi-sample somatic variant caller.
- JWCarlson/interflowscan - Implements the protein analysis components of InterProScan5 using Nextflow.
- guigolab/chip-nf - Automated ChIP-seq pipeline.
- guigolab/grape-nf - Automated RNA-seq pipeline.
- metagenomics/MeRaGENE - Metagenomics rapid gene identification pipeline.
- mfoll/robust-regression-caller - Robust regression multi-sample variant caller
- nmdp-bioinformatics/flow - Consensus assembly and variant calling workflow.
- sanger-pathogens/companion - Eukaryotic genome annotation pipeline.
- SciLifeLab/CAW - Cancer Analysis Workflow prototype.
- SciLifeLab/NGI-MethylSeq - Methylation Best Practice analysis pipeline.
- SciLifeLab/NGI-RNAseq - Nextflow Best Practice analysis pipeline.
- SciLifeLab/NGI-ChIPseq - ChIP-seq data analysis pipeline, Science for Life Laboratory in Stockholm.
- skptic/concTree - Creates consensus trees using alignment uncertainty from many MSAs.
- skptic/lncRNA-Annotation-nf - lncRNA Annotation Pipeline based on STAR, Cufflinks and FEELnc.
- skptic/paraMSA - Multiple sequence alignments for phylogenetic trees and bootstrap support values.
- skptic/vast-tools-nf - Nextflow Implementation of VAST-TOOLS for profiling alternative splicing events in RNA-Seq data.
- skptic/tuxedo-nf - Nextflow implementation of the Tuxedo Suite of Tools.
- abreschi/ShortRNA-nf - Pipeline for processing shortRNA-seq data.
- andremrsantos/next-pipes-lghm - Eukaryotic genome annotation pipeline.
- averasd/nextflow-kallisto
- averasd/nextflow-rnastar
- bihealth/ngs_pipelines
- cbcrg/benchfam
- cbcrg/grape-nf - Yet another RNA-Seq pipeline (deprecated)
- cerebis/meta-sweeper - Parametric sweep of simulated microbial communities and metagenomic sequencing.
- charite/ngspipeline
- ewels/NGI-Nextflow
- fredericlemoine/rna-pipeline
- h3abionet/chipimputation - Imputation workflow developed as part of the H3 Africa BioNet Hackathon.
- h3abionet/h3agwas - GWAS pipeline developed as part of the H3 Africa BioNet Hackathon.
- HadrienG/pipelines
- heuermh/bdg-nextflow - Transform BAM files found recursively in a given directory to ADAM format.
- hmkim/workflow
- holtgrewe/ngs_pipelines - Nextflow-based pipelines for typical NGS processing tasks.
- IARCbioinfo/bam_realignment-nf
- IARCbioinfo/GVCF_pipeline-nf
- IARCbioinfo/mpileup-nf - Coverage computation with samtools mpileup.
- IARCbioinfo/mutect-nf
- InSilicoDB/pipeline-kallisto
- InSilicoDB/snp-imputation-nf
- jdidion/rna-quick - Rapid analysis of gene and transcript quantification and differential expression.
- PlantandFoodResearch/VariantAnalysis - Bioinformatic variant calling pipeline.
- robsyme/nextflow-annotate - Fungal genome annotation workflow
- robsyme/nextflow-mapping
- robsyme/workflows-proteogenomics - Versioned, shareable and replicable workflows for proteogenomics.
- meissnert/nextflow-gtool
- NationalGenomicsInfrastructure/icing - HLA typing from OxfordNanopore reads.
- NBISweden/wgs-structvar - Genome Sequenceing Structural Variation Pipelines.
- nmdp-bioinformatics/flow-validation
- nmdp-bioinformatics/flow-blast-hml
- skner/iasi-pipe
- snewhouse/ngs_nextflow - Alignment, Variant Calling, GATK Best Practices
- Nextflow Toys - Scripts for efficiently dealing with Nextflow
- Nextflow Workbench - Workbench that make it easier to write data analysis workflows with Nextflow
- Make to Nextflow - Converts Makefile to Nextflow
- CIC Show-and-Tell - Nice Nextflow presentation by @robsyme