Beijing zhuoyunkeji
- China.Beijing
- http://www.lilongcnc.cc
Starred repositories
lilongcnc / AppOrderFiles
Forked from yulingtianxia/AppOrderFilesThe easiest way to generate order files for Mach-O using Clang. Improving App Performance.
MacOS system extension that allows applications to pass audio to other applications. Soundflower works on macOS Catalina.
dccxi / trust-zh-CN
Forked from ncase/trust一个合作博弈论的互动讲解手册 An interactive guide to the game theory of cooperation
XCODE 8 NOT SUPPORTED // Plugin for Xcode 7 to make working with strings less "escaped"
Coder698 / XBanner
Forked from xiaohaibin/XBanner支持图片无限轮播的控件,支持自定义指示点、显示提示文字、切换动画等
keyboard3 / DropDownMenu
Forked from dongjunkun/DropDownMenu扩展之后的 多条件筛选菜单
KittenYang / LiquidLoader
Forked from yoavlt/LiquidLoaderSpinner loader components with liquid animation
0ber / RPSlidingMenu
Forked from RobotsAndPencils/RPSlidingMenuA collection view menu in the style of UltraVisual.
0ber / RESideMenu
Forked from romaonthego/RESideMenuiOS 7 style side menu with parallax effect.
Aevit / ECMobile_iOS
Forked from GeekZooStudio/ECMobile_iOS基于ECShop的手机商城客户端
singer1026 / FloatingHearts
Forked from saidmarouf/FloatingHeartsPeriscope-Like flowing hearts animation.
Yet another Github client written with react-native.
Uphie / DynamicCardLayout
Forked from dodola/DynamicCardLayout在Android中实现的类似Windows8的瓷片布局
robbiehanson / XcodeColors
Forked from DeepIT/XcodeColorsXcodeColors allows you to use colors in the Xcode debugging console. It's designed to aid in the debugging process.
🎁 Quick and beautiful way to draw wireframes.
SwordZJ / chuanke
Forked from lookingstars/chuanke高仿百度传课iOS版,版本号2.4.1.2。/**作者:ljz ; Q Q:863784757 ; 注明:版权所有,转载请注明出处,不可用于其他商业用途。 */
Recreates the vvebo app gesture. The Awesome way to delete tableView cell or present new viewController.
SweetAlert for Android, a beautiful and clever alert dialog
lilongcnc / RxLabel
Forked from Roxasora/RxLabela custom weico like label that could detect url and replace it with a button just like weico or vvebo, using coreText
A Page Indicator Lib is realized in a different way.
lilongcnc / Popover
Forked from corin8823/PopoverPopover is a balloon library like Facebook app. It is written in pure swift.
lilongcnc / PagerTab
Forked from ming1016/PagerTabUIScrollView实现滑动转换页面,类似网易云音乐iOS版的页面滑动切换效果
Imitation iOS system desktop icon arrangement and interaction by UICollectionView!
lilongcnc / Butterfly
Forked from wongzigii/ButterflyIntegrate feedback module elegantly