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If you develop a test case for a unit, do the following in order to extend the test harness:

0. we assume the new test case is TCXXXX

1. paste the following test case overview template into test/index.html:

<div class="testcase" id="secTCXXXX" about="#TCXXXX" typeof="test:TestCase">
	<span property="dcterms:identifier" content="TCXXXX"></span> 
	<h2 property="dcterms:title" title="click to expand ..." content="TCXXXX: A TITLE">TCXXXX: A TITLE (...)</h2>
	<span class="overallTestResult"></span>
	<div class="testdetails">
		<p><em>Purpose</em>: <span property="dcterms:description test:purpose">EXPLAIN WHAT IT DOES</span>
		<p><em>See also</em>: 
			<a href="tcXXXX/index.html">View</a> | 
			<button class="runTest" rel="ov:resultFrom" resource="tcXXXX/test_UUU.js">Run</button> 

2. create a sub-directory test/tcXXXX/ with two files in it:

 + an index.html file, and
 + a .js file, with the convention that
   if the unit to be tested is called UUU,
   then the file should be named test_UUU.js
   (note that this must be the same file name
   you use in step 1. in the @resource value 
   of the runTest button)

 Note: for a start, you can copy the two template files in test/template 
 and paste them in your test/tcXXXX/ directory.

3. That's it. The overview (TOC) in the right upper corner is created
   dynamically and the rest should work automatically, given you stick to the
   (few) conventions.

Let [email protected] know if something doesn't work as expected or
join #SWIG channel on Freenode irc:// and mention Tabulator, there.