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Angular Material-Start (Tutorials)

This branch contains the tutorial steps and processes used to implement the start-app shown below:


Above is a snaphot of the Starter-App with a Master-Detail layout: showing a list of users (left) and a user detail view (right).

Also shown is the user experience that will be displayed for smaller device sizes. The responsive layout reveals the menu button that can be used to hide the user list. And the share button can be used to show the Share bottom sheet view.

This Starter app demonstrates how:

  • Angular Material layout and flex options can easily configure HTML containers
  • Angular Material components <md-toolbar>, <md-sidenav>, <md-icon> can be quickly used
  • Custom controllers can use and show <md-bottomsheet> with HTML templates
  • Custom controller can easily, programmatically open & close the SideNav component.
  • Responsive breakpoints and $mdMedia are used
  • Theming can be altered/configured using $mdThemingProvider

This sample application is purposed as both a learning tool and a skeleton application for a typical AngularJS Material web app: comprised of a Side navigation area and a content area. You can use it to quickly bootstrap your angular webapp projects and dev environment for these projects.

- - -

"How to build an App"

Here are some generalized steps that may be used to conceptualize the application implementation process:

  1. Plan your layout and the components you want to use
  2. Use hard-coded HTML and mock content to make sure the components appear as desired
  3. Wire components to your application logic

Use the seamless integration possible with Angular directives and controllers
This integration assumes that you have unit tested your app logic

  1. Add Responsive breakpoints
  2. Add Theming support
  3. Confirm ARIA compliance
  4. Write e2e Tests

It is important to validate your app logic with Angular Material UI components.

###### Wirefame

The illustration below shows how we planned the layout and identified the primary components that will be used in the Starter ap:


Note: that container #2 (above) is a simple <div> container and not an Angular Material component.

- - -
ES5 Tutorials

These tutorials assume that you have already cloned the repository and executed the npm update command.

You will notice html Tutorials #0 thru #8: these will be used to guide you through the development process. By following these tutorials stages, you will be very quickly introduced to the powerful features of Angular Material.

Each tutorial presents the resulting changes for that stage. It is recommended, however, that you start with the preceding tutorial and manually make the changes requested. The effort you invest to implement these changes will highlight specific concepts at each Tutorial stage.

At each tutorial stage, you should use a web-server to view the that tutorial page. Open the dev console to see any warnings and browser the elements.

- - -

Step #1:

@see tutorial_1.html

Here you modified the shell application [available in tutorial_0.html] to use Angular-Material.

  • Use Bower to install angular-material with bower install angular-material -D
  • In the HTML, load the CSS and JS modules:
  • Configure the app dependency on 'ngMaterial'
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="./bower_components/angular-material/angular-material.css"/>


    <script src="./bower_components/angular-animate/angular-animate.js"></script>
    <script src="./bower_components/angular-aria/angular-aria.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="./bower_components/angular-material/angular-material.js"></script>

		angular.module('starterApp', ['ngMaterial']);

Step #2:

@see tutorial_2.html

Here you used the wireframe planning and layout to identify the components and attributes needed.

  • Add the <md-toolbar>, <md-sidenav>, <md-content> containers

Note: that the md-sidenav is the container the Users master list view, and the md-content is the container for the User detail view.

  • Add the layout and flex attributes to configure the container layouts and sizing aspects.
  • Use md-locked-open to lock the sidenav open on the left
  • Use the md-whiteframe-z2 to add a shadow the the sidenav
  <body ng-app="starterApp" layout="column">

	<!-- Container #1 (see wireframe) -->
    <md-toolbar layout="row" >
      <h1>Angular Material - Starter App</h1>

	<!-- Container #2 -->
    <div flex layout="row">

		<!-- Container #3 -->
        <md-sidenav md-is-locked-open="true" class="md-whiteframe-z2"></md-sidenav>

		<!-- Container #4 -->
        <md-content flex id="content"></md-content>


Step #3:

@see tutorial_3.html

Here you will use hard-coded elements to confirm rendering and layout of the container child elements and Angular Material components.

  • Add the <md-toolbar>, <md-sidenav>, <md-content> containers

Note: that the md-sidenav is the container for the master Users List view, and the md-content is the container for the detail User Detail view.

  • Add the layout and flex attributes to configure the container layouts and sizing aspects.
  • Use md-locked-open to lock the sidenav open on the left
  • Use the md-whiteframe-z2 to add a shadow the the sidenav
  <body ng-app="starterApp" layout="column">

	<md-sidenav md-is-locked-open="true" class="md-whiteframe-z2">

		<!-- List item #1 -->
		<md-item >
			  <md-icon md-svg-src="./assets/svg/avatar-1.svg" class="avatar"></md-icon>
			  Lia Luogo

		<!-- List item #2 -->
		<md-item >
			 <md-icon md-svg-src="./assets/svg/avatar-4.svg" class="avatar"></md-icon>
			  Lawrence Ray


	<md-content flex id="content">
	  <!-- User details sample -->

	  <md-icon md-svg-src="./assets/svg/avatar-1.svg" class="avatar"></md-icon>
	  <h2>Lia Luogo</h2>
		I love cheese...


Step #4:

@see tutorial_4.html

Here you integrate your custom, application logic.

  • Define a Angular module for your custom code
  • Define your data services, models, and controllers
  • Load your custom code
  • Register your Angular module for runtime DI
<script src="./src/users/Users.js"></script>
<script src="./src/users/UsersListController.js"></script>
<script src="./src/users/UsersDataservice.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">

  angular.module('starterApp', ['ngMaterial', 'users']);


Step #5:

@see tutorial_5.html

Here you will replace the hardcoded HTML with dynamic markup using Angular directives (eg ng-repeat) and {{ }} interpolation markup.

  • Use dynamic HTML that will be compiled and rendered by Angular
  • Register a custom icon set of 'user' avatars for the user list
  • Register menu and share icon urls for the md-buttons
 <!-- Wireframe Container #2 -->
 <div flex layout="row">
 	<!-- Wireframe Container #3 -->
	<md-sidenav md-is-locked-open="true" class="md-whiteframe-z2">
		<md-item ng-repeat="it in ul.users">
			<md-button ng-click="ul.selectUser(it)" ng-class="{'selected' : it === ul.selected }">
			  <md-icon md-svg-icon="{{it.avatar}}" class="avatar"></md-icon>

	<!-- Wireframe Container #4 -->
	<md-content flex id="content">
	  <md-icon md-svg-icon="{{ul.selected.avatar}}" class="avatar"></md-icon>

	  <md-button class="action" md-no-ink>
		<md-icon md-svg-icon="share" ></md-icon>

 <script type="text/javascript">
	  .module('starterApp', ['ngMaterial', 'users'])
	  .config(function( $mdIconProvider ){

		  // Register the user `avatar` icons
				  .defaultIconSet("./assets/svg/avatars.svg", 128)
				  .icon("menu", "./assets/svg/menu.svg", 24)
				  .icon("share", "./assets/svg/share.svg", 24);

Step #6:

@see tutorial_6.html

Here you will add responsive breakpoints so the application layout will adapt to different device display sizes.

  • Lock the Users list open if device display is wider than > 600px; hide otherwise.
  • Hide the Toolbar menu icon button if the Users list is open.
  • Add click support for the menu and share buttons.
  • Register icons for bottomsheet
	<!-- Wireframe Container #1 -->
    <md-toolbar layout="row">
      <md-button class="menu" hide-gt-sm ng-click="ul.toggleList()"></md-button>

	<!-- Wireframe Container #2 -->
	<div flex layout="row">

	 <!-- Wireframe Container #3 -->
	 <md-sidenav md-is-locked-open="$media('gt-sm')"

	 <!-- Wireframe Container #4 -->
	 <md-content flex id="content">
	  <md-button class="share" md-no-ink ng-click="ul.share($event)"></md-button>


Register the share icons displayed in the User Detail view bottomsheet:

<script type="text/javascript">

	  .module('starterApp', ['ngMaterial', 'users'])

			  .defaultIconSet("./assets/svg/avatars.svg", 128)
			  .icon("menu", "./assets/svg/menu.svg", 24)
			  .icon("share", "./assets/svg/share.svg", 24)
			  .icon("google_plus", "./assets/svg/google_plus.svg" , 512)
			  .icon("hangouts"   , "./assets/svg/hangouts.svg"    , 512)
			  .icon("twitter"    , "./assets/svg/twitter.svg"     , 512)
			  .icon("phone"      , "./assets/svg/phone.svg"       , 512);


Step #7:

@see tutorial_7.html

Here you will configure a different, darker theme to be used.

  • Use $mdThemingProvider to configure a different theme using primary colors from the brown color palette and accent colors from the red color palette.
<script type="text/javascript">

	  .module('starterApp', ['ngMaterial', 'users'])



Step #8:

@see tutorial_8.html

Here you will fix any ARIA warnings that Angular Material may display in the Dev console.

  • Insert aria-label attributes for mdButton components that do not have labels.
	<!-- Wireframe Container #1 -->
    <md-toolbar layout="row">
      <md-button class="menu" aria-label="Show User List"></md-button>

	<!-- Wireframe Container #2 -->
	<div flex layout="row">

	 <!-- Wireframe Container #3 -->

	 <!-- Wireframe Container #4 -->
	 <md-content flex id="content">
	  <md-button class="share" aria-label="Share"></md-button>



With only eight (8) Tutorial Steps and a few minutes of work, we have quickly created a functional Angular Material application that is beautiful, responsive, theme'ed, accessible, and easily maintained.


Quick Starter Repository for Angular Material







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  • JavaScript 60.5%
  • HTML 26.9%
  • CSS 12.6%