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Scratch Debugger

This is a tool to make debugging containers based on scratch easier. The script works by bringing up a pod with a statically-linked busybox image on the same node as the debug target, mounting the node's root filesystem, and calling docker directly to copy busybox into the target container. Once the "install" is complete, the target can be debugged through a standard kubectl exec.


  • POD_NAME - The name of the pod to debug.
  • POD_NAMESPACE - The namespace of the target pod (defaults to default).
  • CONTAINER_NAME - The name of the container in the pod to debug (defaults to the first container).

Additionally, the following environment variables can be set:

  • TMP_SUBDIR - The subdirectory under /tmp to install busybox into (defaults to debug-tools).
  • KUBECONTEXT - The kubectl context to use (defaults to current context).
  • DEBUGGER_NAME - The name to use for the debug pod (defaults to debugger).
  • ARCH - The architecture Kubernetes is running on (defaults to amd64).
  • DOCKER_DOWNLOAD_URL - URL for downloading the docker release .tgz file (see for the default value).


Create a simple pause pod, which is based off a scratch image and does nothing.

$ kubectl create -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name:   pause
    - name:    pause

pod "pause" created

Note that we cannot simply exec into the pod, since there isn't a shell or any other interactive tools available:

$ kubectl exec -i -t pause -- sh
rpc error: code = 2 desc = "oci runtime error: exec failed: exec: \"sh\": executable file not found in $PATH"

So we use the script to copy busybox (which includes many common tools) into the container:

$ scratch-debugger/ pause
Debug Target Container:
  Pod:          pause
  Namespace:    default
  Node:         e2e-test-stclair-minion-group-phj6
  Container:    pause
  Container ID: 80b134ab6550d34684cdb31e4300ff128f9f43f67fdb3d271372f9417e546737
  Runtime:      docker

Installing busybox to /tmp/debug-tools ...
pod "debugger" created
waiting for debugger pod to become ready...
Installation complete.
To debug pause, run:
    kubectl exec -i -t pause -- /tmp/debug-tools/sh -c 'PATH=$PATH:/tmp/debug-tools sh'
Dumping you into the pod container now.

/ # ls
dev    etc    pause  proc   sys    tmp    var
/ # echo Hello world!
Hello world!
/ # exit
pod "debugger" deleted

The script automatically execs into the pod and starts a shell (ash) with the PATH variable set to include the debug tools. After exiting, the tools are still present in the pod, and we can simply exec back in using the command the script gave us:

$ kubectl exec -i -t pause -- /tmp/debug-tools/sh -c 'PATH=$PATH:/tmp/debug-tools sh'
/ # which sh
/ # exit

Alternatively, we can just call the script again:

$ scratch-debugger/ pause
Debug tools already installed. Dumping you into the pod container now.
/ # exit

Once we've finished debugging, it's a good practice to delete the "tainted" pod. If that is undesirable for some reason, you can simply delete the tools from the container:

$ kubectl exec pause -- /tmp/debug-tools/rm -r /tmp/debug-tools