Keywords: rebate WeChat Alimama robot cross platform
RebateBot, based on WeChat to establish robot channels and users to quickly generate rebate links through chat
You only need the minimal computer performance and an idle WeChat can to turn on a 24-hour unmanned shift RebateBot Shopping only needs to send a link to the robot, and the robot can immediately give you a discount price and link.
This module can see the latest code [WeChatBot] (
- message callback
- auto reply message
- Add friend callback
- Default to add new friends
- Auto Reply (text, emoticon)
- link identify
- word command identify
- Convert links to discount links
- automatically assigns different pids
- Scan QRcode login
- Order scheduled download
- automatically calculate the rebate point
- Sign in
- Help
- Automatic Binding Order
- Manually bind the order
- withdrawal
- Receiving reminder
- Payment reminder
- Download [latest version of server] ( and [latest version of WeChat robot] (
- Open the primary server
- Install WeChatBot in mobile phones
- Visit http://IP:1778 for alimama login
- Test communication
- golang
- mysql
Git clone
Cd RebateBot
Go get
Cd msgprocess
Go get
Cd ../alimama
Go get
Cd ../
Cd msgprocess
Vim database.json
"database": "webot", //database name
"host": "", //Database Host
"user": "root", //database username
"password": "" / / database password
Go run master.go