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react-native-fbsdk-next example

This example is extremely basic but hopefully still useful.

You run it by cloning the main repo, and running yarn example:install then yarn example:start, and finally yarn example:android or yarn example:ios

The example currently validates these things:

Successful project integration

  • the module should successfully integrate with current react-native: install and run, android and ios

Basic Facebook SDK functionality

  • the module should successfully open the login screen when the login button is tapped
  • the module should successfully open the share dialog when the share link is tapped

Known Issues

  • The Facebook App ID in use for the example is not configured, and it is problematic to configure one for the internet at large. Replace the App ID in ios/RNFBSDKExample/Info.plist and android/src/main/res/values/strings.xml with your App ID
  • It does not demonstrate anything else, contributions welcome

How to contribute to the example

  • First, note that it is automatically constructed. The only file that is preserved when is run is App.js
  • Make all UI changes in App.js
  • Make all config changes (Info.plist or .java / .m file changes via sed edits in No, that's not the easiest thing to do. But unless you commit to maintaining the project and updating the example app yourself for a few years, it is still the most efficient way)

Using the example to test changes to the core module

If you are making changes to the core module and using the example for testing, you must understand the example references the module code via a github reference.

The example will contain stale files unless you clear the lockfiles/modules, copy in the module code and reinstall. There are three commands which are useful for development that help you manage this. You may run all of these from the main directory:

  • yarn example:clean - this removes node_modules and the yarn and pod lockfiles
  • yarn example:install - this just runs yarn and pod install for you
  • yarn example:devcopy - this runs yarn prepare to build the core module, then copies the modules files in to the example

A typical workflow will involve you making changes in the core src / android / ios folders, then running yarn example:devcopy and - if you changed something in package.json or the podspec then yarn example:install repeatedly, while perhaps rebuilding the the native code in RNFBSDKExample as if it were a normal project (that is, yarn android or yarn ios to see the fresh native changes)