nKey Mobile Solutions
- Brasil
- http://lkraider.eipper.com.br
burmilla / os
Forked from rancher/osTiny Linux distro that runs the entire OS as Docker containers
idiap / coqui-ai-TTS
Forked from coqui-ai/TTS🐸💬 - a deep learning toolkit for Text-to-Speech, battle-tested in research and production
serp-ai / bark-with-voice-clone
Forked from suno-ai/bark🔊 Text-prompted Generative Audio Model - With the ability to clone voices
jb55 / nostr-js
Forked from melvincarvalho/nostrnodejs nostr library
btdig / dhtcrawler2
Forked from kevinlynx/dhtcrawler2dhtcrawler is a DHT crawler written in erlang. It can join a DHT network and crawl many P2P torrents. The program save all torrent info into database and provide an http interface to search a torre…
androiddevbr / vagas
Forked from frontendbr/vagasMural de vagas para desenvolvedor Android.
Parse Express Cookie session for local dev environment
xoreaxeaxeax / movfuscator
Forked from Battelle/movfuscatorThe single instruction C compiler
lkraider / HexFiend
Forked from HexFiend/HexFiendA fast and clever hex editor for Mac OS X
lkraider / Green-Apples
Forked from joaomoreno/Green-ApplesRepository for small applications / plugins for Mac OS X
nKey / TBXML
Forked from darkseed/TBXMLFork of TBXML that does encoding detection
lkraider / cep
Forked from jbochi/cepBiblioteca em Python para consulta de CEPs via site dos correios
sj26 / pow
Forked from basecamp/powZero-configuration Rack server for Mac OS X
Some fixes to the Stuff To Do plugin for Redmine.
pyby / Hockey
Forked from bitstadium/HockeyKitThe iOS Ad-Hoc updater, with multi stores
fletcher / peg-multimarkdown
Forked from jgm/peg-markdownAn implementation of MultiMarkdown in C, using a PEG grammar - a fork of jgm's peg-markdown. No longer under active development - see MMD 5.
SphereSoftware / easy_agile
Forked from camelpunch/simply_agileEasy Agile is a Redmine plugin for agile project management.
BryanKadzban / pixelcity
Forked from skeeto/pixelcityShamus Young's procedural city project -- Linux port