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Folders and files

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Copyright (C) 1996 Robert de Bath <[email protected]>
This file is part of the Linux-8086 C library and is distributed
under the GNU Library General Public License.

These are user level tools, they're being used to test libc routines.

env.c	Prints the environment and arguments (Plus some junk)
compr.c	Mini compression program (rather slow but squeezes better than compress)
ucomp.c	Mini uncompression program (Very fast)
ft.c	Multiple simple file tools.
hd.c	Hex dump.
line2.c	Print lines from /etc/passwd (stdio)
lines.c	Print lines from /etc/passwd
ouch.c	Signal test
size.c	Size of Linux-i86 executables and object files.
sync.c	:-)
wc.c	Word,line and character counts.
grab.c	Grabs _all_ available memory (3GB+ on Linux-i386) then frees
rand.c	Generates random numbers and pipes them to 'hd'
