Available borders:
- plain: use only full-block chars
- empty: use only empty spaces
- ascii: use ASCII chars
- light: light frames
- lightRounded: light frames and rounded borders
- heavy: heavy/thick frames/borders
- double: double lines frames/borders
- dotted: dotted lines frames/borders
Everywhere a border/box/frame is required, a custom border could be provided, it should be an object
of single char,
having all those mandatory properties:
- vertical: vertical line char, e.g.
- horizontal: horizontal line char, e.g.
- topLeft: top-left corner char, e.g.
- topRight: top-right corner char, e.g.
- bottomLeft: bottom-left corner char, e.g.
- bottomRight: bottom-right corner char, e.g.
- topTee: tee char that is flat on the top side, e.g.
- bottomTee: tee char that is flat on the bottom side, e.g.
- leftTee: tee char that is flat on the left side, e.g.
- rightTee: tee char that is flat on the right side, e.g.
- cross: cross char, e.g.
Available animations:
- asciiSpinner: spinner using only ASCII chars
- lineSpinner: spinning lines
- dotSpinner: spinning dots using braille chars
- bitDots: 8-bit counter using braille chars
- impulse: three pulsing dots
- unboxing: growing and shrinking block horizontaly and verticaly
- unboxing-color: same than unboxing but with colors
Everywhere an animation is required, a custom animation could be provided, it is an array
of ( array
of string
OR string
The array
of array
of string
is used when the animation require multiple lines of text.