path | contents |
fpga/Makefile |
main Makefile, used to run FPGA related tools |
fpga/*.tcl |
TCL scripts to be run inside FPGA tools |
fpga/archive/ |
archive of XZ compressed FPGA bit files |
fpga/doc/ |
documentation (block diagrams, address space, ...) |
fpga/ip/ |
third party IP, for now Zynq block diagrams |
fpga/rtl/ |
Verilog (SystemVerilog) "Register-Transfer Level" |
fpga/sdc/ |
"Synopsys Design Constraints" contains Xilinx design constraints |
fpga/sim/ |
simulation scripts |
fpga/tbn/ |
Verilog (SystemVerilog) "test bench" |
fpga/hsi/ |
"Hardware Software Interface" contains FSBL (First Stage Boot Loader) and DTS (Design Tree) builds |
Xilinx Vivado 2015.4 (including SDK) is required. If installed at the default location, then the next command will properly configure system variables:
. /opt/Xilinx/Vivado/2015.4/
The default mode for building the FPGA is to run a TCL script inside Vivado. Non project mode is used, to avoid the generation of project files, which are too many and difficult to handle. This allows us to only place source files and scripts under version control.
The next scripts perform various tasks:
TCL script | action |
red_pitaya_hsi_dram_test.tcl |
should create the zynq_dram_test but the produced binary can not be run from a SD card |
red_pitaya_hsi_dts.tcl |
creates device tree sources |
red_pitaya_hsi_fsbl.tcl |
creates FSBL executable binary |
red_pitaya_vivado_project.tcl |
creates a Vivado project for graphical editing |
red_pitaya_vivado.tcl |
creates the bitstream and reports |
To generate a bit file, reports, device tree and FSBL, run:
To generate and open a Vivado project using GUI, run:
make project
Device tree is used by Linux to describe features and address space of memory mapped hardware attached to the CPU.
Running make
inside this directory will create a device tree source and some include files:
device tree file | contents |
zynq-7000.dtsi |
description of peripherals inside PS (processing system) |
pl.dtsi |
description of AXI attached peripherals inside PL (programmable logic) |
system.dts |
description of all peripherals, includes the above *.dtsi files |
To enable some Linux drivers (Ethernet, XADC, I2C EEPROM, SPI, GPIO and LED) the device tree source is patched using ../patches/devicetree.patch
XADC input data can be accessed through the Linux IIO (Industrial IO) driver interface.
E2 con | schematic | ZYNQ p/n | XADC in | IIO filename | measurement target | range |
AI0 | AIF[PN]0 | B19/A20 | AD8 | in_voltage11_raw | general purpose | 7.01V |
AI1 | AIF[PN]1 | C20/B20 | AD0 | in_voltage9_raw | general purpose | 7.01V |
AI2 | AIF[PN]2 | E17/D18 | AD1 | in_voltage10_raw | general purpose | 7.01V |
AI3 | AIF[PN]3 | E18/E19 | AD9 | in_voltage12_raw | general purpose | 7.01V |
AIF[PN]4 | K9 /L10 | AD | in_voltage0_raw | 5V power supply | 12.2V |
The default mounting intends for unipolar XADC inputs, which allow for observing only positive signals with a saturation range of 0V ~ 1V. There are additional voltage dividers use to extend this range up to the power supply voltage. It is possible to configure XADC inputs into a bipolar mode with a range of -0.5V ~ +0.5V, but it requires removing R273 and providing a 0.5V ~ 1V common voltage on the E2 connector.
NOTE: Unfortunately there is a design error, where the XADC input range in unipolar mode was thought to be 0V ~ 0.5V. Consequently the voltage dividers were miss designed for a range of double the supply voltage.
-------------------0 Vout
------------ | ------------
Vin 0----| 56.0kOHM |-----| 4.99kOHM |----0 GND
------------ ------------
Ratio: 4.99/(56.0+4.99)=0.0818 Range: 1V / ratio = 12.2V
-------------------0 Vout
------------ | ------------
Vin 0----| 30.0kOHM |-----| 4.99kOHM |----0 GND
------------ ------------
Ratio: 4.99/(30.0+4.99)=0.143 Range: 1V / ratio = 7.01
LED | color | SW driver | dedicated meaning |
[7:0] |
yellow | RP API | user defined |
[8] |
yellow | kernel MIO[0] |
CPU heartbeat (user defined) |
[9] |
reg | kernel MIO[7] |
SD card access (user defined) |
[10] |
green | none | "Power Good" status |
[11] |
blue | none | FPGA programming "DONE" |
For now only LED8 and LED9 are accessible using a kernel driver. LED [7:0] are not driven by a kernel driver, since the Linux GPIO/LED subsystem does not allow access to multiple pins simultaneously.
This document is used as reference:
The base value of MIO
GPIOs was determined to be 906
redpitaya> find /sys/class/gpio/ -name gpiochip*
GPIOs are accessible at base value + MIO index:
echo 906 > /sys/class/gpio/export
echo 913 > /sys/class/gpio/export
This document is used as reference:
By providing GPIO/LED details in the device tree, it is possible to access LEDs using a dedicated kernel interface. NOTE: only LED 8 and LED 9 support this interface for now.
To show CPU load on LED 9 use:
echo heartbeat > /sys/class/leds/led9/trigger
To switch LED 8 on use:
echo 1 > /sys/class/leds/led8/brightness